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Loosing hair.


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So over the last 3 months I have noticed a considerable amount of hair falling out, I'm 22 and come from a long line of baldness in my family. Anyone out there experiencing this shit?


It's actually pretty fucked, It hasn't gotten to the stage where it is noticable, but at the rate it's going I don't think i got to long left. Thinking about getting something done on the low, or should I take it like a man?








I feel your pain man. It sucks. I've been loosing mine for a good while now. I have a receding hair line like nobodies business. I've looked into buying Rogaine But, not all of us ball completly out of control like Glik$ or Peyote. That shit is 60 bucks for a month supply and from what I've heard you have to do a 6 month or longer treatment with Rogaine. I'm sure there is other types of hair loss prevention out there. My grandpa has is pretty much bald. My dad straight up rocks the long ass death metal steez who reps a notorious biker gang. So it looks like I'm destined for baldness the way it's going for me. I used to rock the 90's classic fade. But that shit is played out and looks goofy with a massive receding harline. So I said fuck it. I'm going to embrace it and grow my shit out as long as I can stand it. I'll probably end up with a "Skullet". I figure by the time I have a full on "Skullet", I'll be in my late 30's banging broads that usually date guys that are going and or bald already. So I say fuck it. If you can afford the treatments, do it. If you don't ball like that, embrace the SKULLET!



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Going bald is pretty eminent right for me right now cuz both of my brothers are balding and I'm hitting the age where they started balding. Its wierd too cuz my dad has a full head of hair, so the gene prolly came from my mom.


My oldest brother shaves his head and it works for him, but I don't think a shaved head is right for me. So I was just thinking, I'd grow my hair out and keep it in pony tails so that people wouldn't notice, cuz my brother's are only balding in the back part of their heads...not the front. So I think I might be able to manage it for a few years.


And thank god I have a girlfriend now and we're deep inlove and she wouldn't care if i was bald. Cuz being bald would make me too self conscious to even go out on the dating scene...

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I've looked into buying Rogaine But, not all of us ball completly out of control like Glik$ or Peyote. That shit is 60 bucks for a month supply and from what I've heard you have to do a 6 month or longer treatment with Rogaine.
Money can't buy your hair back, just ask this dude...:lol:


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And thank god I have a girlfriend now and we're deep inlove and she wouldn't care if i was bald. Cuz being bald would make me too self conscious to even go out on the dating scene...




i know that feeling. i think of what my hair used to be, and what its become.

i see guys who are a couple serious stages past my level... i couldn't live w/ myself and not shave my head. shits depressing

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You guys need to do more research.


Rogaine (Minoxodil) isn't expensive at all you can buy 3 bottles off ebay for about $40. This shit wont really regrow hair very well but it's pretty effective in preventing hair from falling out.


The more hardcore option is propecia/finesteride theres a secret way of getting this off your doctor for cheap....if anyone gives a fuck i will let you in on something the industries trying hard for you not to know.

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You guys need to do more research.


Rogaine (Minoxodil) isn't expensive at all you can buy 3 bottles off ebay for about $40. This shit wont really regrow hair very well but it's pretty effective in preventing hair from falling out.


The more hardcore option is propecia/finesteride theres a secret way of getting this off your doctor for cheap....if anyone gives a fuck i will let you in on something the industries trying hard for you not to know.

Please fill in the 12oz folk with this secret, sounds interesting.

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man you can buy that shit from any online pharmacy that bombards your email with viagra spam


its not really a secret that overseas pharm companies will ship you cheap ass drugs with no script... most of them are from india, and pick up some xanax and kalonopin while your at it

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That belief about your moms dad having good hair means that you will too, is bullshit. My mothers father died at 82 with a thick head of white hair and mine started falling out when I was about 19. I think it's luck of the draw. I've been rocking a shaved head for about 5-6 years now and couldn't be happier. No hair style to maintain, no paying for haircuts, and a bottle of shampoo lasts me about 6 months. My advice for anyone who's got a hairline thats creepin back, suck it up like a man, grab a Mach 3 and take it all off. You'll look pathetic trying to hide the problem plus all those miracle solutions are rip off and almost never do what they're supposed to anyway. Also, lots of chicks love bald dudes. Almost no chicks like balding dudes.

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Its not really a secret, what you do is ask your doc to prescribe proscar (used for treating prostate problems) and break one 20mg pill into quarters leaving you with 4 5mg pieces, these are exactly the same as a 5mg propecia (which is the expensive hair loss drug which isn't covered by a lot of health plans because its purely cosmetic)


Most doctors do it.


Also male pattern baldness is generally X-linked which means it comes from your mothers side. You're mothers dad will be the best indicator.

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the past winter has taking quite a bit of hair off my head. I now buzz the shit way down every week or so.


i wear a fitted constant so you can't see the shit. but like to keep it clean for the ladies.


well... so the ladies will speak to me :(




21 and balding with grey hair.


that's stress.

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