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My self esteem is low so help me raise it aka it don't take much to get me naked

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Actually, Drunken Asshole oner is what makes channel 0 interesting most of the time.

Dudes stay mad at him, but he consistantly stays effectively dumpin' on niggas in here and I guarantee he'll be here shittin' on someone else after you're long gone, quit writing, doing something entirely different.

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oh yeah

ten pages of shit huh?

cuz ya know people who spend their time on this site are looking for some quality....


techno gadgets? LOL cats, news on whatever is going on?

what a bunch of fucking losers.

I'm one too, but at least I'm not pretentious about it.

bunch a fucking nerds.


and to the peoples I know personally

you're a bunch a faggot internet nerds too, but I know you can take those comments with a grain of salt

and a smile.

the rest of you are fucking homos.


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Actually, Drunken Asshole oner is what makes channel 0 interesting most of the time.

Dudes stay mad at him, but he consistantly stays effectively dumpin' on niggas in here and I guarantee he'll be here shittin' on someone else after you're long gone, quit writing, doing something entirely different.


thats true...i find the shit quite funny myself.

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Re: Channel 0 Contest Brainstorming


You know what?


This is exactly like high school and I just figurted out which role you play -


Calling Geezpot, the bitch ass rich kid who wants to be "down" but is too much of a pussy, so he does ho shit like instigate and rile up petty shit from the back of the crowd like now, or says shit like "put up or shut up" to the drunk asshole, knowing damn well he isnt gonna post a pic of his wife (but he Geezpot never would eitheer - he was just quick =enough to throw the fake gauntlet), but you know what? Putting up wifes pics was your idea, so go ahead and put up or shut up so someone can MSPaint shit and giant penises all over her



get you some cleaner mah dood


yer spectacles are looking mighty dusty from over here




Apparently I must spread some more reputation before giving it to TreSixO again.

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