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mini-goat appreciation thread

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I guess if you lived in an apartment and wanted a mini-goat.

But that just seems wrong.

Mini-goats need to run free.

And have all the fainting room they could ever want.


Trying to keep a mini-goat in an apartment is like trying to put a rainbow in a box.

Or a kitten in a cage.

It's just not right.

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If you knew how to properly navigate the internet, you would know that when there is a link, you can click on it and it will take you to a different page.

If the link has the words "youtube" in it, you can pretty much assume that you will be seeing a video.

Seeing how this is a thread about mini-goats, and I posted links in the initial post, then rational thinking would lead one to figure out that they were links to clips featuring mini-goats.


Or it could be some elaborate hoax to totally Rick Roll you.


It's not.

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I Am The Black Goat

Wandering Amongst The Trees

Bastard Of Thousands

Selfish God Of All


Sullen Skies Alight In Curiosity

If All Else Ends, This Time Man Has Arranged A Doubt

In All Shortcomings Brings This Struggle

To Ignite The Once Force Of Stable Unity

To Die As One In This Creative Legion

These Colors Of Life Almost Bleed Out Loud

These Ancient Lores Of Kindreds Unknown

A Myth Unveiled To Bring The End Of Eternity


I Am Drunk On The Blood Of The Unborn Child

The Wolves Gather Around To Greet Me In The Shadows


Black Candles Burn As The Demons Swarm My Eyes

Blood Is Shared... Invocation To The Elder Gods

Rights Of The Blackened Angel Now Come To Me

I Hear The Voices Call To Me In The Darkness


Untold Oceans Of A Black Beyond... Cast Out For These Deeds

Infect The Bloodline To Bleed All... Glorious Taste Of Victory

This A Key That Lies Within... The Flesh Of A New Frost

Bitter To Summon Locust Winds... Among Gardens Of Pain


I Am The Testament Of Lucifer

I Shall Give My Kingdom To The Beast

I Call Upon The Four Corners Of Hell

Come Forth To Me With Your Wrath


Wormholes Descend For Eternity

Mausoleum Of Tears Combust Into Fire

Visual Myth Of The Underworld

Taught To Keep A Mortal Man To Fear


Release The Black Curse

And Drink The Poison Of God


Uncleansed Hands Breath Death Into This Stream

An Offering Of Tranquility Upon The Winds

A Scavengers Brittle Silver Wings

To Yeild This Sickle Of Contemplation...


...Upon All Who Have Denied ...Silence Grows Weak

...A Dormant Lying Disease ...Not A Soul Shall Speak

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^hmm, is it just me or does that goat have tits?

oh yeah and scary words, very devilish


hahaha. yeah, satanic lyrics make me chuckle.

i find them to be ridiculous, and those are especially verging on nonsense/gibberish.


and of course baphomet has breasts. the set in that image are actually small compared to the norm.

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Its funny, but Baphomet has nothing to do with Satan


In fact Baphomet was invented as a Templar symbol and then recreated by Eliphis Levi in the 19th century.



Dont believe what the metal albums tell you. Baphomet is not apart of the legions of hell


Random is schooled in teh demonology

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Its funny, but Baphomet has nothing to do with Satan


In fact Baphomet was invented as a Templar symbol and then recreated by Eliphis Levi in the 19th century.



Dont believe what the metal albums tell you. Baphomet is not apart of the legions of hell




this is mostly true.


baphomet as named by the knights templar was not a demonic character.

the character of the sabbatic goat drawn by levi was a symbol of satanism and the occult.


he may have misnamed his character, but the drawing of the goat has become accepted as the image of baphomet--and the goat is very much a part of "the legions of hell."

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I'm pretty evil.

Like you wouldn't believe.


Tonight my mom was being a total goblin to me.

So to get revenge, I baked her a pecan pie from scratch.

That will show her I mean business.


How brutal am I?


I am totally metal, dude.



One of my ex's had a tattoo of a Baphomet.

His didn't have a totally sweet rack.

What a faker.

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this is mostly true.


baphomet as named by the knights templar was not a demonic character.

the character of the sabbatic goat drawn by levi was a symbol of satanism and the occult.


he may have misnamed his character, but the drawing of the goat has become accepted as the image of baphomet--and the goat is very much a part of "the legions of hell."



show me...sometimes people mistake other stories for dogma


in the demonic hierarchy there is no goats....later some paganism was added because of the churches hatred for other religions.


Cloven hoof devils where not around in the original hebrew texts they where only mentioned in limited work in 1600s and it was from popular stories.


Just like some believe in the 9 levels of hell but that is not actual dogma...that is taken from Dantes Divine Comedy

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show me...sometimes people mistake other stories for dogma


in the demonic hierarchy there is no goats....later some paganism was added because of the churches hatred for other religions.


Cloven hoof devils where not around in the original hebrew texts they where only mentioned in limited work in 1600s and it was from popular stories.


Just like some believe in the 9 levels of hell but that is not actual dogma...that is taken from Dantes Divine Comedy




how far are we taking this back? and to what religion as the basis or starting/stopping point?

are we stopping w/ the torah and old testament or are we going further? are we going to look at the egyptian's "set" or are we starting at when "he" became called "satan?"

if we stop there why do we stop at what was added later?


i understand your argument. and if we limit ourselves to what the hebrew texts describe satan and hell as, then you are wholly correct.


as far as the bible, torah, or quran mentioning the significance of the goat in hell, i don't know of any beyond "sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell."


i'm coming from the side that ALL of this is utterly fiction/fantasy


religion/spirituality is a continually growing thing--every religion "stole" from those preceding it, as such what has come to be recognized as part of the 'religion' by its believers has to be recognized by those on the outside as part of that religion.




it might not be the same satanism that existed in 50 AD, but its still satanism.

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I don't know any hipsters personally, so I don't know what they are into this season.

But I can honestly say, I have never had someone come up to me all stoked on mini-goats and lay it down on how adorable they are.



I just was talking about mini-animals with someone.

And they turned me on to those fainters.

Then it was all over for me.

And I can think of nothing else but tiny little goats passing out.

And hugging them and putting their cute little heads in my mouth.



I just like animals a ton.

And the mini versions are so precious.

I really don't get how anyone could not be into these guys.

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how far are we taking this back? and to what religion as the basis or starting/stopping point?

are we stopping w/ the torah and old testament or are we going further? are we going to look at the egyptian's "set" or are we starting at when "he" became called "satan?"

if we stop there why do we stop at what was added later?


i understand your argument. and if we limit ourselves to what the hebrew texts describe satan and hell as, then you are wholly correct.


as far as the bible, torah, or quran mentioning the significance of the goat in hell, i don't know of any beyond "sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell."


i'm coming from the side that ALL of this is utterly fiction/fantasy


religion/spirituality is a continually growing thing--every religion "stole" from those preceding it, as such what has come to be recognized as part of the 'religion' by its believers has to be recognized by those on the outside as part of that religion.




it might not be the same satanism that existed in 50 AD, but its still satanism.



We are talking about demonology, which was formed from the only religion that practices it Roman Catholicism


Satan has never taken the form of a goat...you are mistaking a passage from Leviticus 16, where they talk of sacrificing a goat for the sins of the people (the scape goat) to Azazel (thought to be a demon). The King James bible was translated wrong, actually Azazel was a name of a cliff they threw the little bastard off of.


NOW, if you say that goats are evil then how come JESUS referenced himself as the "Scape Goat" for the sins of the world in John 1:9



yes demons did exist through out all religions but you cannot take them and automatically say they are in leaguge with the devil. If that was true the God and Jesus hang out with Budda and Shiva and play poker on Wednesday nights

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i never said satan took the form of a goat.

god and jesus do hang out with shiva--and the easter bunny and santa claus.


goats aren't evil--they are significant in satanic rites though.


i don't know much about roman catholic demonology, i only know the bible's descriptions of demons and a fair amount about satanism.


i think we're "arguing" on two totally different planes.


you coming from a roman catholic view of demons and satan, and me coming from 'satanism is the lifestyle of indulgence w/ occultish/pagan tendencies"

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i havent ever actually met anyone who has studied satanism

i assumed there are people who are deep into it but havent came across any


so what do you believe is gonna happen after death?

i am genuinely curious.


i consider myself agnostic, not enough proof to say there is or isnt a higher being

i think when we die we just rot in a box


i am interested in this stuff after taking a mythology course a few semesters ago

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