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i beat up a cop...seriously its a wicked funny story. Read below...


he is one of my good good friends. So we decided to pull a prank on him he came out to the bar already drunk. So me and my boy went around to like 40 or 50 people that he didnt know or barely knew and told people it wasn't true but we wanted them to go and congratulate him because he just came out of the closet that afternoon and just left his party. So people are going up to him like OH CONGRATS!!! OMG THATS AWESOME I HEARD THE NEWS!!!! and he is wicked confused then some kid went up I HEARD YOU CAME OUT TODAY CONGRATS and he flipped


people keep coming up to him he is screeeeaaammming at the top of his lungs in a packed bar of like 500 people going " I AM NOT GAY!!! IM NOT GAY!!!!!!!"


He is wicked pale but now he is BRIGHT RED and sees me and my boy just sitting in the back of the bar with a bunch of friends all dying laughing so this kid jumps over ther table and just starts choking me, so i throw him down and just restrain him cause I dont want to get kicked out. So he calms down.


He tackled me like 5 times at the bar got us kicked out. So everyone at the bar goes to a friends house we he ended up after everyone calling him gay and flipping attacking me again in the kitchen so he has me in a head lock I picked him up body slammed him and just started dropping elbows to the head until he let go and his nose was bloody and swollen.


Thats what he gets, and he is a cop so I beat the fuck out of a cop and all I got was put into a head lock and kicked out of a bar...

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I've never really done anything bad to a cop except for make them run...


But i do legit know a guy who was being followed through his building by the feds. A guy tried to arrest him and he punched the guy in the face and knocked him out cold. Then he told me he hid out on the roof for about 6 hours. But punching a cop in the face takes real balls cuz they can fuck u up badly

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i beat up a cop...seriously its a wicked funny story. Read below...


he is one of my good good friends. So we decided to pull a prank on him he came out to the bar already drunk. So me and my boy went around to like 40 or 50 people that he didnt know or barely knew and told people it wasn't true but we wanted them to go and congratulate him because he just came out of the closet that afternoon and just left his party. So people are going up to him like OH CONGRATS!!! OMG THATS AWESOME I HEARD THE NEWS!!!! and he is wicked confused then some kid went up I HEARD YOU CAME OUT TODAY CONGRATS and he flipped


people keep coming up to him he is screeeeaaammming at the top of his lungs in a packed bar of like 500 people going " I AM NOT GAY!!! IM NOT GAY!!!!!!!"


He is wicked pale but now he is BRIGHT RED and sees me and my boy just sitting in the back of the bar with a bunch of friends all dying laughing so this kid jumps over ther table and just starts choking me, so i throw him down and just restrain him cause I dont want to get kicked out. So he calms down.


He tackled me like 5 times at the bar got us kicked out. So everyone at the bar goes to a friends house we he ended up after everyone calling him gay and flipping attacking me again in the kitchen so he has me in a head lock I picked him up body slammed him and just started dropping elbows to the head until he let go and his nose was bloody and swollen.


Thats what he gets, and he is a cop so I beat the fuck out of a cop and all I got was put into a head lock and kicked out of a bar...



Shit had me dying!

Where in the hell did you coem up with a story like that in the first place? I would prop you but I need to spread it around some more.

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I went to Ohio State University for 2 years and it was straight war with the Campus Police anyone that skateboarded .We'd send out a guy to bait them into a chase . Then they'd usually leave a car behind and we'd ambush it and shoot it up with paintball guns . :lol: That happened twice in one year . Another thing we'd do is make our own " spike-strips " . The OSU Campus Police would routinely chase us in car through narroow alleys , as well as some tight parking garage spots . We would lay-out the spike strips in advance , make them chase us and BOOM !!! tires flattened . I had a lot of fun during those times .

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I smutted a cops daughter.






i didn't think i had anything to contribute to this thread until you said that. my ex-girlfriend was the daughter of a police captain in kck.



for the most part i think i treated her pretty well. but next time i'm mad at cops i guess i'll just thinking about skeeting in her eye.

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Celt just reminded me of the time I smashed the rear window out on a cops car for chasing me out of Love Park.

I went around the block and when I came back to see if he bounced, I saw he had some young kids all hemmed up with their skateboards in a pile.

So I smashed his window out with my skateboard and he started chasing me again and the kids he had hemmed up got to grab their boards and get away.

As did I cause tht fat fuck couldn't catch me. :lol:

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