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sorry, edoggg. putting trust in the wrong people gets me fucked up and feeling like a complete fool. it's like being violated or something.


Customer service really blows though. People get away with that shit because of these retarded business ethics "the customer's always right" bullshit. you're supposed to sit there and let them take advantage of you. even if you have some kind of evidence to prove that the customer's clearly stealing money.. you can't do shit, they get away with it. It's like you'd have to plant a weapon on them and then say they held you up in order to get them caught.



they try to buy something cheap, then fuck with you on the change around. except this time i looked the dude in the face and said, "no, this isn't a bank." the guy had a fucking baby grand rolled up in his fist, and got all pissed and pulled the race card on me.


that's pretty weak, but I'm sure pulling the race card let everyone know he's full of shit.

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it was weak, but i had people pull the race card on me all the time. the fucking store alarm would go off, we'd stop whom ever set it off, and they'd instantly pull the race card on it.


it's true about the rules that companies set up, that in turn let people get away with too much shit. the way i look at it though, if they get it --good for them. the only time it sucks is when it's independently owned shops, or when an employee (like edogg) has to go and pay the till back for what was lost. i don't agree with what edogg's company is making her (i believe you're a she, if not sorry) do, and think that's fucked up.

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they try to buy something cheap, then fuck with you on the change around. except this time i looked the dude in the face and said, "no, this isn't a bank." the guy had a fucking baby grand rolled up in his fist, and got all pissed and pulled the race card on me.


i get dodgy fucks trying this with me all the time - at least once a week - and i still cant explain how it works properly.


i just stare at them and say something along the lines of "mate, im not an idiot now leave."

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getting scammed/conned-

i havent felt this shitty about myself in.... well ever maybe. im my own worst critic and when i fuck up, i know it and i dont let myself forget it.

so theres this guy whos been going around to local coffee shops and scamming baristas for money with this whole schpeil about travlers checks, and meetings, and dude knows the bosses name and knows all this other shit so it sounds so legit. ive known 4 people personally that this has happened to so i never ever thought i could let it happen to me but damn, this guy is good. i mean all the little things... hes got all the bases covered. so in the end dude got away with $100 that i more or less handed to him becasue hes a fucking con and thats what hes good at. i knew all about him, knew what to expect, knew how he did his business, and he still got me. fuck.

fuck. fuck. fuck. seriously. i just feel like such shit about this. i dont even know.




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