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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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On 10/25/2020 at 1:10 PM, SMdoubleXL said:

I have gotten phenomenal at gathering burnable wood. We had an amazing fire. Woke up our second morning having one of the best  nights of sleep -mind you, it was just below freezing and steady heavy drizzle of rain all night long. 



Your post is full of a lot of beautiful shots. This one is probably an old and abandoned railway line

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10 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

was he good?



No?  Not really my type of music so maybe he was, but when I first heard it I thought maybe some high school kids were playing for people.  The speaker was his "back up band" and he played over whatever music he had on there.  I should have asked him to play The Heat Is On or something.

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9 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

@One Man Bannedi have a terrible time capturing birds in flight. I saw two bald eagles flying through a neighborhood I was working in several months ago. It was the first one I had ever seen out in the wild and they were fighting each other.


Plenty of patience and crummy shots on my part.  Awesome you got to see that, would have grabbed my attention.  Never seen it in person before but when eagles start doing that they'll latch onto each other in the process and just free fall straight down, sometimes crashing.

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Pretty sure I seen these before hanging in a tree while driving into a spot, not sure how long there.  Today I walked in and grabbed them on the way out.  They were still in the 6 pack packaging w/ 2 missing, bottles still sealed.  To quote the GD, the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean (or as clean as shitty fruit liquor gets).


Somewhat reminds me of the meme @Elena Delle Donne posted about the pill

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On 11/10/2020 at 7:15 PM, mr.yuck said:



Boulevardier — rye whiskey, rum, vermouth blend, campari, cappeletti, bigalett china china, bitters, barrel aged


These things are dangerous. I could smash through a handful of these really quick.

Looked like a manhattan for a sec but still great cocktail.. At one of my buddies restaurants he had his bartender make me and my homie some drink called a diamondback or something? It was yellow chartreuse, mezcal and some other shit, straight booze basically and came in a tiny coup.. small but holy shit I only drank half of it and it smacked the shit out of me and it was pretty tasty.. 10/10

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