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This was both amusing and questionable so I just asked someone from Taiwan about it. Their opinion, that they are copying what is popular or trendy from American culture. If they were using the word to be offensive they would not use the word king with it in Chinese culture. More proof to me that people need to stop using that word.

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So controversial.



There is a bong store here called Phat Babyz.

It is in the same building as Quickie Tattoos.

I thought they both had won the award for shittiest store names.

And after thinking more about it, they still have.

Because Nigger King is awesome on so many levels.



That shit would never fly in America.

Even if owned and operated by negros.

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what about the woman that bought the couch made in china, and the color read "nigger brown"









as far as it goes with these people in taiwan, they're just being culturally naive. they hear "nigga" in rap songs all the time and assume it must just be a term of endearment.. which it is, depending on the pronunciation/spelling and how it's used. if they spelled it "nigga" they may have gotten by. who knows.



I think I made a christmas thread some years ago about an old bottle of pink leather stain I have which reads 'other colours: tan, black, brown, nigger'


I don't know what that had to do with christmas


also chinks is crazy

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anyone who knows asians know they are some racist ass motherfuckers. this ain't a mistake, they are just trying to pull one over...


"we sorry challie, we no know any bettuh, we just simpuh asian peepre, meen no hahm"


yeah exactly

trying to pull the we dont speak your language card therefore we dont know

naaaaah no way

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I find this shit funny.

But that pic is pretty killer.

I mean it is just a word, call me cracker all day, me and my friends do. I find it funny, I expect negative props for this from some self righteous take everything seriously pansy who doesn't realise that it is all a form of communication, and you only take offense to the worddue to your own conceptions of it.

Like how us aussies call each other cunts as terms of endearment, such as 'you are a funny cunt' whereas most anally retentive americans will go off their tree if you calll them that.

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This kid is my hero.


Even though I always hated the Dead Kennedys.

I still do.


Really though.

This kid's parents must really not give a shit how he turns out.

Do I find that awesome?


Because those Asians are always being pushed to be so much better than everyone else.

We need more future-loser Asians like this kid.

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