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My New Year's Resolution. What's Yours? (even though I think it's stupid)

Weapon X

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are u going to quit weed or start smoking it? or just smoke it on new years?

my new years shiz is

get back on the grind on mnay things


making music

paint higher quality and more style

apply to schools for MA

and get my super oontz package ready

and get back in the workout loop

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my goals:


1. work out, my gut has gotten so big that when i tie my shoes, i fucking grunt. no lie.

2. focus more on doing art, or whatever it is that i do.

3. get back into djing full speed.

4. try not to have a heart attack.

5. make friends, i don't really have any because i just moved to where i'm living.

6. take some classes.

7. get out to chicago to see my brother from another mother.

8. get out the SF to see another brother from another mother.

9. keep my vices in check (i've been drinking way too much lately).

10. keep the girl i have happy, and maybe move things to another level towards the end of the year.


that's my top ten things i HOPE to accomplish.

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To never do another drug besides marijuana.


Once every month or two I get drunk and lose all of my morals and end up doing coke from 2 a.m until 12 p.m and then spending 6 hours feeling like I'm dying regretting the whooole night.


Today I was hung over from drinking wayy too much, on 0 sleep for 24 hours, having a terrible come down, AND had seriously low blood sugar from not eating for like 16 hours. I was literally scared I was going to die, I kept getting these feelings like my heart was gonna cramp up and I kept getting all dizzy and seeing all these lights.



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eat A LOT more healthy than i have been the past six months.



no more of this:









and more of this:






and to keep with that, start working out daily/every other day like i was this time last year. i need to lose the 15lbs i gained this year.


i'm already getting started with the eating portion, just need to get a new gym membership setup for the rest.

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I think I gained 15 pounds in this last week.

And I am fine with that.

True enough, I had to unbutton my skin tight jeans to be comfortable while I computerize all night.

But that's the price you pay.


I do things to change year round.

And I don't think New Year's has anything to do with making changes.

I just know what I want to get done in 2008.

I have already started on some of the things.

The rest will come in time.

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