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King Seffiks


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  • Replies 73
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Thread Date Posted By Comment

E-CRED ROUND 2 11-30-2007 03:13 AM SpreadAIDS prop party

King Seffiks 11-30-2007 02:43 AM DETO all hail king seffiks!

King Seffiks 11-30-2007 02:16 AM Marsellus Wallace

E-CRED ROUND 2 11-30-2007 02:01 AM peyote your so l33t

E-CRED ROUND 2 11-30-2007 01:39 AM Pfffffffffft i hope you bust 200

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usually its considrered inapropriate or wack to be a self proclaimed ''king'', somone else needs to call you one before u can take the reputaion.


same goes for getting a belt buckle with your name or crew name, somone must give it to u in order for you to have it. therefor meaning you really earned it.

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