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I Can Smell Death


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So if you all don't know, I work for a city here in So. Cal. Me and a buddy were working OT today when our supervisor calls. There was a bad accident with a fatality about an hour before we showed up. So we gotta head out there and help block off traffic/drop cones and barricades etc. So most of the time we're just sitting there in the truck with the arrowboard. After they take the body away we head over there to check it out. It was a Honda Civic and Chevy Silverado. Needless to say you dont have to guess which was the loser. The Honda went into the wrong lanes, skid marks of about 60 feet, so dude hauling ass to leave 60 feet of skid marks on the street. The truck t-boned the honda and basically smashed in the passenger side. The drivers seat had brain matter all over the window and steering wheel and outside the car, as well as part of the car that had flew off the car. Blood everywhere but mostly gray brain matter. This happened about 2 hours or so before we went up there but you could smell that shit. Kinda raw meatish odor. They sheriffs think alcohol might have been a factor. The truck never stepped on the brakes (no skidmarks) and the 4 guys in it just got out of a club around the block.


I wasn't grossed out or anything but I was just trippin' out on the situation. You know before all that was happened there was a life in that seat, a living breathing person. Now it's just the remenants of that person, blood, brain and a memory.


Afterwards the cops told us the dude that died was in his 20's. Fuck dude hasnt even lived his life yet. A couple days after Thanksgiving dudes parents are gonna get a phone call to come ID their son. How fucked up is that? If dude had a girl or a baby? It's crazy how peoples lifes can be knocked for a fuckin' loop in a split second forever.


Anyways I dont wanna sound preachy or anything, but I know alot of you guys and girls like to party and shit, drive drunk, wake up the next morning and wonder how you made it to your bed and took your clothes off, but be careful out there.

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I am glad the only thing that happened to me what I lost my license when I flipped my car when I was drunk. I was happy I had the experience because now I do not drink and drive. People are like who cares if I die its my fault but you put other people in danger...



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thats the thing man, the drunk driver never dies, it always some innocent person doing something normal.


in my home town of 4000 growing up we had a lot of drinking and driving deaths at my high school. One of my friends crashed his truck drunk and killed himself. His parents put his truck right downtown as a reminder.


Rip Devin.

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Yeah my mom got hit by a drunk driver before i was born. Dude was fucked up and drove away, while my mom was stuck in the car. The cops went to his house and he still tried to deny it. I might not have even been here.


I remember my mom was a supporter of MADD for a few years after that.

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Anyways I dont wanna sound preachy or anything, but I know alot of you guys and girls like to party and shit, drive drunk, wake up the next morning and wonder how you made it to your bed and took your clothes off, but be careful out there.


Yeah that was me the last year, i have been lucky but feel somehow it will catch up me when im least expecting it.

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i once was in my homie's hood and all these dogs were barking... we were all wondering what the big hubbub was about and all of a sudden i could smell flowers and the dogs went crazy.i said, "woah, somebody is dead". that second, these people were wheeling out the dead body.


when my grandmother passed away in front of our entire family, the room filled with the same sent of flowers.

my family was trippin out on that and surrounded her shell.. i knew she was in the empty spot of the room watching her family cry.

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that's the only thing we're ever promised is death.

I used to be part of a funeral committee at a mosque and whenever someone in the community would die, I'd be responsible for arranging parts of the funeral. It's always a refreshing reminder that we're all going to hit the dirt sooner or later. Sometime we think we're invincible and that death is for old people, but that's not always the case. The thing is, we can hardly ever prepare for death. And we don't know for sure what's on the other side.

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saddam. for me when people are about to die, especially older people they kinda have that sweet scent to them. then they usually go in a week.


it's a trip. you know, i wonder if there's an explanation for it.



i've also seen a special on tv where this dog in a nursing home goes around the place but for a week he'll stay in a room and never leave that person. then the person ends up dying after a week. it happens all the time there with this dog, so much so that when it happens they usually call the families to come over to say goodbye.


maybe dogs havent lost that sense yet. i dont know.

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that's the only thing we're ever promised is death.

I used to be part of a funeral committee at a mosque and whenever someone in the community would die, I'd be responsible for arranging parts of the funeral. It's always a refreshing reminder that we're all going to hit the dirt sooner or later. Sometime we think we're invincible and that death is for old people, but that's not always the case. The thing is, we can hardly ever prepare for death. And we don't know for sure what's on the other side.



I do something similar. I'm part of a group of people that are in charge of ritually washing and dressing the body for burial. Its actually more soothing than anything. It makes me feel better knowing that when I die that someone will take care of my body.


Your right we cant prepare for death; Judaism has a saying, repent on the day your going to die. The point is you cant know what day you would die but if you try to live your life in a proper manner you can rest easy knowing that when you do pass, you did the right things.

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I do something similar. I'm part of a group of people that are in charge of ritually washing and dressing the body for burial. Its actually more soothing than anything. It makes me feel better knowing that when I die that someone will take care of my body.


I wouldn't want to be ritually washed. just put me in the ground wrapped up in a sheet, i don't even need a coffin.

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it just means that we wash down the body in a certain way while preserving the persons dignity by not exposing certain areas unnecessarily. after thats done we dress the body in white linen clothes and wrap them in a Tallis (prayer shawl). then the body is placed in a plain wooden coffin with holes drilled in the bottom to speed up the decomposition. we try to have the person buried within a day, so as not to prolong their burial, which is sacred and important.

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its kinda complicated but the basic gist of it is two things.


Its embarrassing to the soul to see its former shell just lying there in disgrace. The other thing is that the soul cannot truly return to G-d until either, the body is in the ground, or completely decomposes, depending on how attached to the material world the person was. But now we are getting into Jewish mysticism...

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i high school i had to put in 40hrs of community service to graduate. my mom worked in oncology at the hospital, i didnt know that it was the cancer section of the hospital. that shit was so fucking depressing, little kids like 5-7 age range looking like zombies, all druged out, laying in there beds with all sorts of machines hooked up to them. i would chill with them and play video games, and talk to them. one of the kids like 7yrs old was talking to me about life and stuff. it really blew my mind when he told me "the largest cause of death is birth, not cancer, so dont look at me like your never gonna be in my situation". those words haunt me till this day. that kid died six months later.

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