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Black Friday>>>>>>>


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For fuck's sake, how in god's name to you get trampled running into a walmart? If you aren't in good enough shape to keep a decent jog without falling you shouldn't be getting a new TV, you should be getting a treadmill.

Bio98765 (5 hours ago)


I have lost all faith in humanity.

Nemez (5 hours ago)




lmao at the lady whos wig fell of

dagothnicaraguan (6 hours ago)



Damn I have to work blackfriday at the gap outlet, i'm only 16 i'm not ready to die 0.0.

MotoRooter (8 hours ago)



This is why I shop online.....

15caitlin15 (10 hours ago)



thats fucked up the way people get over some god damn toys i mean come on there toys!

UCFGavin (13 hours ago)



what a dumb bitch. i wish someone would have stepped on her face

PG57039 (5 hours ago)



Somebody should step on your face--Whoops! Looks like they already have.

KIRK976 (19 hours ago)

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So I drove to Toys R Us for the 80 dollar Zune, for some reason thinking I could simply find a sales person and request it, but there was a line for the counter at least 2 hours long, and they wouldn't even tell us if any were left.


I turned around and drove home.


I'll gladly pay retail price to avoid waiting shoulder to shoulder holding pen. :yuck:

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I waited about 5 hours outside of best buy last night/this morning. They had a sick deal for a Toshiba laptop and printer ($229). I was trying to get one for my moms, but they ran out of tickets like 10 people ahead of me. it was cold as hell outside too. like 20 degrees and windy. now i just feel like shit cause i'm sleepy. ah well

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I waited about 5 hours outside of best buy last night/this morning. They had a sick deal for a Toshiba laptop and printer ($229). I was trying to get one for my moms, but they ran out of tickets like 10 people ahead of me. it was cold as hell outside too. like 20 degrees and windy. now i just feel like shit cause i'm sleepy. ah well


yeah...on the local news here they showed this college student who had been camping in front of best buy since wednesday afternoon to get that $229 laptop.


happy black friday ya'll

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What was wild is I ended up running into my Dad at Circuit City, he bought some shit and helped carry out a bag.


At the exit was a guy to check receipts, he didn't he just waved us through (our bag even set off the alarm cause they forgot to demagnetize shit).


If I wasn't with my pops I would have gone crazy.


All the cabinets for the electronics and videogames were wide open because there were too many people in there for them to have to unlock it every time someone wanted something.


That spot must have got robbed BLIND.

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i didnt shop early in the morning, but my girl did....


she got me a nice gray cable knit sweater from the gap and a pair of jeans and cords from old navy. sweet!


i, on the other hand, went to ac moore to take advantage of the 50% off coupon.....mad cans of rusto for $2.00....plus its legit!


then i got caught using the coupon for like the 20th time (it was one per customer per day) so i brought it over to home depot and lowes, where they accepted it- more rusto, killz and some bucket paint!!!!


i also bought some blank cds for cheap ...and thats it!


it was a day well spent!

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i did it! for once i didn't drink myself to sleep before 7pm on thanksgiving day, so friday i woke up around 4 cause i had to pee and then layed there trying to decide if i wanted to get up. it took me an hour to decide i was going to get up. most of the stores were ridiculous. the line for at toys r us started at the entrance and wrapped all the way around the store to the cash registers. some people were lucky they didn't get punched in the face. people annoy the fuck out of me. they're fucking idiots and don't know how to get the fuck out of the way.


it was kind of like an average day at wal-mart except 100 times worse.


most of my christmas shopping is done though. there was some great deals.

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I hated to be "that guy", but I knocked over 5 Asians.


I wasn't clamoring to buy consumer electronics, but simply wanted to get out of the store.


Motherfuckers were pretending not to notice me, thinking I was cutting in line or some shit.


I was polite, said excuse me a couple hundred times and they wouldn't move.


So I simply got moving, and they fell.



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