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Bloodfart Appreciation thread

Cory Feldman

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You got me mistaken for someone who likes excitement and adventure.


I like safe bets.

I am scared easily.


One time I was drinking and walking down the tracks and talking to my mom on the phone.

She told me to get off the tracks.

That I was only asking for trouble.

I told her I live life with one bullet in the barrel.

She didn't like that very much.

Sometimes she doesn't get my jokes.

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Mote- dude you are behind on the times.

This is like the third one of these things.


It almost makes me wish there was one started where people only talk about what they don't like about it.

To keep it real.


Really though.

If you weren't so good, I would have kept that for myself.

Denim Demon 4 lyfe.

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sometimes i feel shitty and then i read the shit that bloodfart has been going through and i feel better...that sound fucked up but i appreciate her for it..plus she got dat hoodrich gully as fuck tat...if bloodfart is ever in SF and needs a couch she can crash at my pad.


oh yeah and the alcoholic weed brownie status is fully my steez so you know i appreciate that too

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pizza thrash party at the creek wall..whose down?


You know I live for pizza thrash parties.

So of course I am totally there dude.



I have a few parties that I am supposed to make appearances at tonight.



Jews is coming into town and we were supposed to meet up at the creek wall.

For a pizza thrash party.

Tomorrow, I think.

I'll bring the jokes.

You bring the weed.





I just posted this bulletin on Myspace.

So some of you dudes might already know what I am about to say.

It is just too crucial not to share here.


On the bus.

A regular looking lady gets on.

The next block, the most awesome dude I have ever seen gets on.

He is wearing a white hard hat.

White t-shirt and jeans.

Tighty whitey underwear over his jeans.

He blew my mind.

Usually I don't take off my headphones for anyone on the bus.

I made an exception for this guy.

I had to know more about him.

He starts talking about how he just got out of the state hospital that morning.

And sits down next to the regular lady.

Puts his arm around her and they lean into each other.


I guess even completely bat-shit crazy dudes can find love.


When he is getting off the bus, he points to his underwear and says,


Walks off the bus.

And throws some metal horns in the air.


I look down and see a NVEE scribe on the window.

Looking pretty janky.

Someone should tell that dude to not do that stuff when he is drinking.

It makes him look bad.

When he is, in reality, most excellent.


One of the most disgusting smells to me is an adult wearing baby powder.

Trying to smell like a little baby.

It just makes me want to vomit.

Fake baby smell.

For some reason, people that wear baby powder usually smell like dirty grease as well.

Makes my sensitive stomach turn.


Another thing that makes me mad is when I see someone riding a bike with no hands.

Trying to be a show off.

And end up looking like a jerk.

It makes me wish I could run really fast.

So I could catch up to them.

And punch them in the face.




I went to see Shout Out Louds last night.

And met the blond girl from the band in the bathroom.

She was pretty nice.

And complimented me on my hair.


Then some other girl came in and started talking about my hair.

How she had seen me across the bar and thought I had the most awesome hair ever.

I told her she just might be right.

That she caught me on a good day.

I then teased her hair and drank her beer.

When that was done, I left and danced like I have never danced before.


Last night was totally dudical to the max.

I didn't want to come home.

And leave paradise.


Back to the grind.

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Progression of the Heart Diamond.















It was mentioned this should be a thread where I tell my stories.

About living the life I live.

I could do that.

But I wouldn't know really where to start.

I would need some suggestions for topics.

I usually have an experience or two for just about any topic you could think of.


I am bored.

And can't go to sleep because my mom is still watching television.

I need to move out soon.

I've only been back a week but it seems like months have passed.


I will answer any questions you dudes might have.

About myself.

And my life.



I need to be entertained.

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