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seven day weekend

blood fart

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Things have been shit for me as of late.

Just typical issues all adults in relationships deal with.


I think the relationship I was in has run it's course.

Although, I have been wrong before.


That is neither here nor there.

I don't want relationship advice.

I want action party time advice.


This morning I tell a friend of mine about the situation at hand.

He tells me I need a vacation.

So he buys me this ticket to come to St.Louis for a long weekend.


I wouldn't typically jump at the chance to go to St.Louis, but his Granny died and I like to console friends in they time of need.

Plus, he is about to move from LA to Australia to work.

So I figured now is probably one of the last chances we will have to hang out for a while.


I have been to St.Louis before and have friends there.

But the thought of hanging out with them and doing all the same things we always do seems so boring.



Any suggestions on what to do in St.Louis?

That won't end me up getting shot at.

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ps. my friend films video for the porno industry..these sites.














All the URL's make me laugh.


I am going to make him give me a ton of porno DVDs.

To send to in care packages.





Things I will NOT be doing in St.Louis are making an appearance on monstercockfuckfest.com.

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I ask for exciting things to do while in St.Louis.

All I get in return is requests for passwords for porno sites.



That's alright.

I'll bring some passwords back for you dudes in a week.



And tales of adventure and high class living.

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Any suggestions on what to do in St.Louis?

That won't end me up getting shot at.


I'm not from the states, I've never been to St.Louis.


But go to a Casino.




Come to Australia with your friend.



I personally would go for the Casino one.

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you know how when youre between the ages of 1 and 4 you dont really remember much? one thing i remember is st louis being a shit hole. that and the arch. anyway...based on the limited info i have from childhood i would say you should get a bunch of records, a bunch of gin, a bunch of mixer (because sometimes gin on the rocks is too much, for instance, 8am on a sunday), your best friends and maybe a kiddie pool or at least some water balloons. yes, that sounds like a good weekend.

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beer shits- you know it.


Mauler-in fact, he did get squirted on by Flower Tucci..it made his week.



My friend doesn't drink.

So I probably won't be doing much of that.

I don't want to get sauced up and end up crying over boy problems.

That brings a quick end to any fun evening.


I think I will just walk around the city and take photos.

And try to find Nelly.

Or at least a black male that looks like him and ask him for an autograph and photo.


I was at least hoping for suggestions of eateries.

Oh well.

I will go where the wind takes me.


He is moving to Australia to work for Hustler.

I will come visit.

On his dime.

After I settle my warrants and procure a passport.


Sometimes it pays to have a way with words that makes people feel good inside.

I just hope he doesn't expect me to make him feel good on the outside.

No mouth hugs on this vacation.

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So in response to the huge thread on here, is it piss?

And I didn't think there was much of a local industry here in Oz. Can he get me a job? I thought the big companies just bought Euro girls or whatever over here to shoot features, as part of their contract they got an overseas holiday built in.

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Eat soul food in the ghetto


Get your friend to let you on the set of a porno shoot. Not in the "yo dog jump in the picture and pull it out" sort of way - though do not read this as in any way discouraging such behavior - but just to be there and than have bragging rights ad infinitum.


I was there once and I don't recall the city having many redeeming qualities.

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So in response to the huge thread on here, is it piss?

And I didn't think there was much of a local industry here in Oz. Can he get me a job? I thought the big companies just bought Euro girls or whatever over here to shoot features, as part of their contract they got an overseas holiday built in.


It is not piss.

It is clear and odorless.

Just speaking out of general knowledge.


He might be able to get you a job.

I don't know anything about your qualifications.

I'll get the lowdown on the haps when I see him on Thursday.

He's good people.

I never ask too much about his work.

Just what he tells me, which is that he is about to sign a five year shooting contract in Australia.




I am not really feeling hanging out on set of a porno.

Plus, we will be attending his Granny's funeral and hanging out with his family.

I take running around with nieces and nephews over seeing some chick get sexed anyday.


His mom is giving us the keys to the lake house.

I'll be bringing a small amount of champagne.

And a camera.

Good things will happen.

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