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the un official workout thread


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i just had some leftover pizza from my 'cheat weekend'. i used to not give a fuck when i wasnt too into MMA and working out, but now... shit is serious BIDNEZZ.


atleast im doing some wrestling later, that should get rid of some of that shit.


being a piece of shit was so easy back in the day :lol:

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thanks for the articles, answers, insights everyone.

Im looking forward to integrating more tuna cans to my diet.


I have another question. How many days do u rest a particular muscle group before working it out again?

Ive read from 3-4 days to 2-3 days.


this question is answered the same way people answer the 'do you like ford or chevy?' question....

personal preference.


some body builders swear by working a muscle group only once a week. in another words if you chest/tris on monday, you dont work this group again until the following monday. other programs like HST have you basically doing a whole body work out 3 times a week. arnolds beginner program is basically the same thing.


some strength based programs work the same EXERCISE 3 times a week... 5x5 has you squatting 3 times a week.

the westside barbell template and its variations has you doing a max effort day for bench (upper), squat/dead (lower) lift once per week and either speed or repetition effort days for the same exercises. and doing assistance work accordingly. normally if you are ME benching twice a week you are gonna be in trouble, but the rep or speed days allow you to work the lift twice a week and work two different aspects of it and keep progressing.


i've come to favor a westside style template variation with 2 upper and 2 lower days a week with a more body building style of assistance work. ie. i actually do direct bicep work even though most guys trying to get strong dont. i've been throwing in some DC style rep schemes since i got messed up in a car accident and going much much lighter.

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new to this thread but ive been working out on and off since i was 17. i'm now 27. i used to be a real gym rat. i only go a couple of times a week now due to my job and stress. i dont know everything there is to know about nutrition and working out but i'll answer anyones questions. im 6'1". i weighed 160 in high school. by 23 i weighed 265lbs. then cut down to 220 and was my biggest at 236. now i weigh around 225lbs and am comfortable at this weight.

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i eat at least one can of tuna everyday....i know i know....i probably already have mercury poisoning...lol...oh well.


on another note, i feel bad about posting in here tonight.....i had cheese pizza and now im skipping out on going to the gym tonight.


Your laziness is contagious. I was skyping it up with a chick for like 3 hours... my gym time came and went... I even was drinking a fucking NOxplode and still didnt go... feel free to boo at me now.:confused2: :confused2:

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Your laziness is contagious. I was skyping it up with a chick for like 3 hours... my gym time came and went... I even was drinking a fucking NOxplode and still didnt go... feel free to boo at me now.:confused2: :confused2:





but nah, i was worse last week man... since i do mma in the morning and regular gym at night, i drank no-xplode before my gym time but i was just so tired from my kickboxing drills that morning and passed out :D



and i still dont know how i did.

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new to this thread but ive been working out on and off since i was 17. i'm now 27. i used to be a real gym rat. i only go a couple of times a week now due to my job and stress. i dont know everything there is to know about nutrition and working out but i'll answer anyones questions. im 6'1". i weighed 160 in high school. by 23 i weighed 265lbs. then cut down to 220 and was my biggest at 236. now i weigh around 225lbs and am comfortable at this weight.


good to know.

Currently i do dumbell exercises and i focous on bi/triceps. I do my shoulders as well but im not consistant with it.

Ill do 3 sets of 5 with enough weight that by the 3rd set my arms are completely exhausted.

Is this enough though? I have seen progress and growth but not to the extent i want it to be.

Then again I just recently started getting serious with my protein intake.


any thoughts?

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Your laziness is contagious. I was skyping it up with a chick for like 3 hours... my gym time came and went... I even was drinking a fucking NOxplode and still didnt go... feel free to boo at me now.:confused2: :confused2:


^^boo this man...lol jk


Seriously CALI...you spread this shit to me as well.

This heat made me sit around for 2 days doing nothing.

You and Obama are to blame for this.


honestly though, its not my fault.

my workout partner flaked on hitting up the gym because he just got a new tat on his forearm.


so you can blame him..


..and Obama.


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oh wow...fuck.


literally as soon as i posted that post i got a text from him saying:


"Im not goin to gym bro. My arm is sore. And i dont wanna move it too much for these next 3days so it can scab n heal right without cracking."


fuck....now i gotta motivate myself.

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new to this thread but ive been working out on and off since i was 17. i'm now 27. i used to be a real gym rat. i only go a couple of times a week now due to my job and stress. i dont know everything there is to know about nutrition and working out but i'll answer anyones questions. im 6'1". i weighed 160 in high school. by 23 i weighed 265lbs. then cut down to 220 and was my biggest at 236. now i weigh around 225lbs and am comfortable at this weight.



i dont know how much info about nutrition i want to ask from someone named "binge&purge"



:lol: lol...j/k man....welcome to the thread.

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I'm not sure but I think I have broken ribs from getting kicked during sparring. The thing is it didnt hurt much at all at the time but has progressively gotten worse.


It really hurts when I take deep breaths, and I cant suck in my stomach or sleep or lay on my right side of my body + I cant run now!!



My ribs dont appear to be bruised or broken, should I bother getting it checked out or just just rest for a few days and hope for the best?

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They might be bruised badly and sometimes those bruises are deep down and you don't see them. To be safe you might want to get them X-rayed to make sure and to get any internal injuries taken care of. If your rib is broken and punctured something, you could be in serious danger. That is the main concern, because for broken ribs they will only give you pills for pain and a tight ass ace wrap around your torso. I bruised the shit out of my ribs from a car accident last year from the seatbelt. It hurt for about a month, but nothing was broken.



I been reading about this paleo-diet shit for the past few days.

Anybody ever done it? I've basically been doing it for the past few months without knowing it except for the beer i drink and love with all my heart.

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If you feel a sharp pain with the most simplest tasks (ie: moving, breathing, lay down, etc.), then maybe you should get yourself checked out 'cause it sounds like your ribs are fractured. That shit happened to one of my boys, instead he got kneed in a MT clinch, he had to rehab that shit for a while.


Stay away from any strenuous shit for now and get yourself checked out.






ps: Im drinking a whole bottle of Dissarono to the face tonight, its my cheat weekend so fuck you guys :lol:

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good to know.

Currently i do dumbell exercises and i focous on bi/triceps. I do my shoulders as well but im not consistant with it.

Ill do 3 sets of 5 with enough weight that by the 3rd set my arms are completely exhausted.

Is this enough though? I have seen progress and growth but not to the extent i want it to be.

Then again I just recently started getting serious with my protein intake.


any thoughts?

Are u working out any other body parts throughout the week? Are u having just a specific day to work out your arms and what's the body part that u work out before your arm day? I never over exhaust any body part until maybe my last few sets. You don't want to over train although I dont know how many sets are u doing total for bi's and tri's?

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  • 2 weeks later...
good to know.

Currently i do dumbell exercises and i focous on bi/triceps. I do my shoulders as well but im not consistant with it.

Ill do 3 sets of 5 with enough weight that by the 3rd set my arms are completely exhausted.

Is this enough though? I have seen progress and growth but not to the extent i want it to be.

Then again I just recently started getting serious with my protein intake.


any thoughts?



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I've put on 20+ lbs in the past 3-4 months doing something like this:


4 weeks of 3x a week arms routine

4 weeks of 3x a week full-body bodyweight circuits

now in my 3rd week of the 3x a week arms routine again plus high interval cardio sessions on same day


supplement intake:

all weeks 20+grams of whey protein + 5 grams creatine monohydrate pre-workout(1 hour, half hour accordingly)

all weeks 20+grams of whey protein + 5 grams creatine monohydrate post-workout(within 20-30mins of finish)

Final 4 weeks(current arms routine) of 2 scoops NO Xplode half hour pre-workout


Going to cycle off creatine and NO Xplode after 4th week of current routine for 4 weeks.

Hoping the high intensity intervals will cut calories and fat rapidly.

Arms and chest starting to look slightly disproportional to the rest of my body so I will have to figure something else out when I cycle back on the creatine and NO Xplode.


Thinking about investigating the convict conditioning workouts.

I have some back/disc problems so I can not really lift heavily, or press over my head, or squat weights due to spinal compression.

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Anyone know if stretch marks go away, or at least are not as noticeable once you stop bulking. I have gained about 15lbs of decently lean mass. The area of the arm pit where the outside of your chest connects to your front delt area is where i have some stretch marks. I take multi vitamins and try to at least throw some fruit and vegies in every meal...

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