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the un official workout thread


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I was really into strength and conditioning back in high school and my first year of college. It's been at least 4 years since i've done anything like a decent workout. Anyway I'm trying to get back on the horse and lose some weight. I've done the whole "I'm getting back in shape" about 10 times since I stopped working out. It's miserable starting all over and I usually don't last longer than a month.


So I'm giving it another go and I need a decent starting workout. I'm not bothering going to a gym until I can get a decent start with cardio and body weight exercises puch ups etc.


Any suggestions on what to start with?


Up to 2 1/2 miles 5 days a week at 8 minute/mile pace, ya i know :eek: . Doing pull ups,chin ups, push ups, and abs.

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damn mitch.... i tried that once... protein powder in the oats and i about threw up. maybe i need to try strawberry instead of chocolate


yes, steel cut all the way. dont even get the 5 min steel cut oats either, tastes like shit.


no, never tried a rub in the oats... sounds interesting though

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I downloaded it.

It's pretty straight forward and basically the same thing most trainers talk about in health and fitness magazines as far as maintaining a proper diet and changing up your exercise routines.


The good part about it is that it's all mapped out for you, so you don't have to spend much time or energy setting up your schedule and all that and it requires very little equipment. 2 dumbbells and a pull up bar.


I like eating oatmeal too. It's a perfect snack.

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shit those p90x results on yotube are pretty insane can you hook me up the torrent?


just found this..

fuck this niguh hangin off trees n shit


I've seen that video with so many different names. I don't think he did p90x.

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went to costco today and picked up a new bag of protein powder....i was using the EAS, but this is what i picked up today..




i got the milk chocolate...anyone heard anything about this brand?

its pretty low in carbs and 25g of protein per serving.


6lb. bag for $28.99

i checked bb.com, and the reviews were good.


anybody tried it??

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went to costco today and picked up a new bag of protein powder....i was using the EAS, but this is what i picked up today..




i got the milk chocolate...anyone heard anything about this brand?

its pretty low in carbs and 25g of protein per serving.


6lb. bag for $28.99

i checked bb.com, and the reviews were good.


anybody tried it??


i got a bag of that in my cabinet. doesnt taste to bad. it does what protein powder does. good price too. thumbs up

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