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Question for you cat owners.


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My cat is acting kind of weird this past week. She keeps tilting her head towards her chest in a weird way and she aint really been eating much all week. She's losing weight and her spine is kinda sticking out alot more than it should. She's getting old and I figured maybe she's just having trouble eating the hard food so I went out and bought some soft food and she was all on it, but she's still doing that weird head tilting thing and moping around and shit. If I had the money to take her to a vet I wouldn't be turning to Chanel Zero. I'm expecting alot of "YOUR CAT'S DIEING NIGGA!!!" responses but seriously, do any of yall recognise the symptoms I'm talking about? Is my cat really dieing nigga?

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I agree you should try and find the money to get your cat to a vet. I had an older cat who stopped wanting to eat her hard food too. The only thing I could get her to eat was soft food and baby food (the turkey and chicken kind). Everyone kept telling me too that she was fine but I finally took her in and found out she had cancer in her mouth. Yours may just be getting old but I would still take her in just to make sure. Good luck.

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dude honestly is you let an animal die like that without trying to scrape some shit together or getting on a payment plan then your an asshole. I dont even like cats that much. If you cant take care of it then take it to the humane society and say you cant pay for the treatment the thing needs and they will take it in fix it and give it to somebody who can take care of it...

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dude honestly is you let an animal die like that without trying to scrape some shit together or getting on a payment plan then your an asshole. I dont even like cats that much. If you cant take care of it then take it to the humane society and say you cant pay for the treatment the thing needs and they will take it in fix it and give it to somebody who can take care of it...





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not too long ago my cat was also acting funny. he had like two seizures in a week and he's old so i didnt know what it was exactly.


i went on this site: http://www.JustAnswer.com. they usually have vets that can answer the question. i described what happened on there and got a response in about 30 minutes. it turns out, he did have seizures and if it did happen once more, we had to take him to the vet. but since he was acting normal after the seizures, he was fine for a bit. he hasnt had any since then.

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it could be an ear infection. if its severe enough and has ruptured an ear drum it could lead to vertigo which leads to loss of appetite. regardless of what it is you need to figure out a way to get some money and get your cat to the vet asap.


boogie with the gold!


for real.. call a local vet and say.. "yo.. my cat isnt acting right. i real worried and shit because she is uber important to me... but i dont have any money. im scared she is real sick.. what should i do?"


a good vet will think in their head.. "fucking hippy.. get a job." then their heart will say.. "oh.. what a kid.. he cares so much for his cat." and then they will say "bring it in and ill send you the bill."


cat saved. the end.


(i have a female chocolate lab and a male mexican dog (for real).. we got the mexican fixed, but when the chocolate lab went into heat, you couldnt keep the fucking out of his mind.. so one day i come home and they were stuck.. fucking terrible to walk into.. but whatever. it took them about a half hour to figure it out.. then the mexican wasnt peeing for a few days. i have pee pains if i have to hold my pee for any amount of time, so i couldnt imagine what was going on in poor mexicans head. i was broke and worried, so i took him to a vet.. had the vet fix his pee pee.. then i paid him what i could and he billed me the rest. the mexican is peeing fine, and my bill is paid.)

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give your cat some nice tuna juice. mine always likes that when she is sick. take a gander into the ears, see if there is some buildup or something that obviously shouldn't be there. you can q-tip the ears, but make sure not to stick it in too deep or you might rupture the ear drums (same as a human) but otherwise, call your parents and beg for money or something to take care of kitty...


desperate times call for desperate measures.


maybe you could look online at the symptoms on a vet thread or something and see if you can figure it out

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also if you cant afford extensive pet care, there's some type of credit/insurance for it. i forgot what it was called. ask a vet, they'll know.


vets are usually good about figuring out a way for you to pay them back. they are more concerned about the pets health first and foremost then the money later.


well thats how it is out here and with my experience.

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Man, I'm not a vet, but I've got a sick cat story from recently that I should share. Vaj and I were at the liquor store and were buying our booze... well we're paying and hear a meow, turns out we end up giving this 'liquor store" kitty a ride home... to her new home. She's a runt her name is Terra.... and anyway, anything was better than the Fort Worth crack head ghetto liquor store people half ass taking care of her in a cage... so anyway, long story short, i've had this cat for about 4 or 5 months, and she's cost me 500 dollars in vet bills... from getting stopped up with poop and dehydrated.... which i do not understand.... well anyway, there you have it... vet's are expensive.


Terra is fine now and she's sweeter than sugar. She is so small for her age because she's a runt.... and she has the most amazing personality... I think she realizes that Vaj and I saved her from an otherwise shitbag life.

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