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after my first taste of guiness i thought it tasted like a flat beer that someones put a cigaretter out in


I love dark beers but I could never stand Guiness. To me it taste like someone took a fistfull of dirt and mixed the shit in the beer. Like actual dirt.

I think alot of people just pretend to like Guiness because it's the stereotypical dark beer.

Like it makes them cool or something.

Like how people wear skintight pants and pretend the shit's actually comfortable.

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Yeah I really don't see it any other way.


And Guinness is actually a really tasty beer as long as you enjoy dark beers. If you are a lager fan, then no wonder you don't like Guinness, it's like drinking a steak.


I can't really stand lagers. Or anything lighter than amber for that matter.


And I'd go as far to say that me and Magnum are probably THE beer aficionados on this site. So we know what the fuck is up.

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I get wasted and pick up bitches at the watering hole like it's nothing, my niggas get wasted and pick up bitches like it's nothing. I get wasted and pick up the waitresses like it's nothing. bitches fight. then come back to my crib. Ole girl left her phone charger. Yo I'm hungover as a mufuccka

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_IG_DD_create(83, [["Send to a friend","#","_IG_PU_openURL(\x26#39;Send to a friend\x26#39;,\x26#39;http://www.google.com/ig/mailgadget?hl\x3den\x26amp;moduleurl\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml\x26#39;,\x26#39;400px\x26#39;)"],["You might also like...","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;recommend\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml",""],["About this gadget","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;url\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml",""]]);<H2 class=modtitle>_IG_DD_create(83, [["Send to a friend","#","_IG_PU_openURL(\x26#39;Send to a friend\x26#39;,\x26#39;http://www.google.com/ig/mailgadget?hl\x3den\x26amp;moduleurl\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml\x26#39;,\x26#39;400px\x26#39;)"],["You might also like...","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;recommend\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml",""],["About this gadget","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;url\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml",""]]); So I have todays reason to drink on my gmail personalized page deally. Todays was a little more random than most. I dont get why this shit wont unbold itself...



_IG_DD_create(83, [["Send to a friend","#","_IG_PU_openURL(\x26#39;Send to a friend\x26#39;,\x26#39;http://www.google.com/ig/mailgadget?hl\x3den\x26amp;moduleurl\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml\x26#39;,\x26#39;400px\x26#39;)"],["You might also like...","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;recommend\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml",""],["About this gadget","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;url\x3dhttp://daysthatendiny.com/googleModule.xml",""]]);

<H2 class=modtitle>Today's Reason to Drink














****EDIT it didnt look like that when i put it in there...


I have days that end in y's reasons to drink on my google personalized paged...Todays was a litttle more random that susual...


June 27, 2007 Lemon Drops for all! Today's Stonewall Day on which many gay pride celebrations occur.


Days That End in Y


var prefs = new _IG_Prefs(0); var today = new Date(); var month = today.getMonth() + 1; var url = 'http://daysthatendiny.com/getReasons.php?date=' + today.getFullYear() + '-' + month + '-' + today.getDate(); _IG_FetchContent(url, function (response) { var nxsl = ''; nxslProcess(xmlParse(response), xmlParse(nxsl)); var nxsl = xmlParse('' + '' + ' ' + '

' + '

'); nxslProcess(xmlParse(response), nxsl); var content = xmlText(nxsl); content = content + 'Days That End in Y

'; _gel('content_0').innerHTML = content; }); _IG_Analytics("UA-252998-1", "/googlemodule");

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****EDIT it didnt look like that when i put it in there...


I have days that end in y's reasons to drink on my google personalized paged...Todays was a litttle more random that susual...


June 27, 2007 Lemon Drops for all! Today's Stonewall Day on which many gay pride celebrations occur.


Days That End in Y

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