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Dear ________,


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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


yeah he needs a new 12oz girl toget obsessed with, rejected and then tell them hes gonna commit suicide.



Damn, burn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear me,


You did what you had to do, homeboy.

Just try to not do it during algebra next time.


With love,





Dear upper lip,


Man up, son.


Want ice?



With care,

Your neighbor, the brain

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cold weather,


you kinda suck. not only do you make it cold waiting for the bus each day, but you have now made me realize i need new gloves too. please don't be a cold cold ass bitch tonite when i'm out riding my bike to a destination. also if you can warm up for tomorrow night too that would be great, i really don't enjoy painting and having to warm my hand every 3 minutes.




dear tonite,


you will be good no matter what the weather, i know it.







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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


My girls,


You're all whores for not doing anything tonight. Screw you. And your lame boyfriends.

Hang out with me.

I don't care if you have finals on Monday and Tuesday...Why should that effect me tonight?


love you bitches







Dear Rangpor Tanquery


Glik$ was right. You rule.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear T4M


A friend of mine had 5 in less than a year. I think edoggy's had trouble with em too.


Good luck with that for another 9 months. I hope you like your verizon store.





How you gonna say that and not even post it? Shitty. Now I gotta go look.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear vaj,


I had insurance on it and i only get two claims, so now they are all used up.


Fuken, they didnt have it on stock so they gave me a crappy motorola again. My verizon store clerk is hot! I finaly got to see her.


I was all like, (hey, wassup? member me?) n shit and she was like (hold on, have to help this other customer)


I was like (Oh yeah? yeah well.....){she intrerupts}(dont worry, il be with you in just a minute)


Me likes:)

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Vaj,


I love Rangpor Tanquery too its in my freezer and hits it off nice with percocets.

And it got me a hot asian girl at the bar last night, even with a puffy face from

removing my wisdon teeth.


The Gin Lover


Tha Unibomber



Dear Asian Girl,


Sorry I kicked you out at 7 a.m. but your annoying. And sorry in advance

because that wasn't my real number, or my real name.


Yours Truely hahahaha,


Tha Unibomber

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz,


I can tell by the empty beer cans and lack of clothing that it is time for me to depart from you you tonight. It was fun, it was real, it was real fun but I am done. Good night and good luck(stolen quote).



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear friend,


i don't think we're gonna hang out much form now on. when i ask you to chil with me and go out on my day off, and i wann do fun stuff, dont say shit like "oh, i jus twanna go somewhere quiet"


fuck yoU!!! stay your ass at home then. quiet my motherfukin ass. I'm not goin to the library to have fun.





punch you int he face

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cock Block Buddy,

you suck....

how come every time i went to get close

to o' girl in the black shirt to talk to her

and snag a dance you would come right up in

and throw your back to me blocking me and my

homie from getting to o' girl in the black shirt

and o' girl in the red dress?????

your catcjing a fist to the jaw next time yo...


Yours Truly,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cock Block Buddy,

you suck....

how come every time i went to get close

to o' girl in the black shirt to talk to her

and snag a dance you would come right up in

and throw your back to me blocking me and my

homie from getting to o' girl in the black shirt

and o' girl in the red dress?????

your catcjing a fist to the jaw next time yo...


Yours Truly,




Dear tails,


Don't be slippin...




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