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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear teacher,

i dont get you...

you explain things to me like im retarted,

easy shit like its sooo complicated..

your fingernails look like taradactyl claws,

you in general look like a bad old man halloween mask,

with your wrinkly ass face and hay like hair...

you walk like a penguin with a fish stuck up its ass,

and your torn and ripped panty hoes aren't helping you either...

i cant believe im stuck in your damn class

for like 4 periods a day...

and please stop trying to joke with me cause every time you

speak it sounds like nails on a chauk board..


hating your class,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear 12 oz prophet.com,


i am new here and would like to start out by saying hello.

from what i hear this forum is very friendly and i hope to form some real special bonds and friendships with fellow graffters.


anyways, nice to meet all of you and i hope to get to know each and every one of you as soon as possible. hey come to think of it, if you find yourself with some extra good willed time on your hands feel free to shoot me a pm introducing yourself. alright gang!


your friend,

toe cutter

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear friends,


i thought since my background must seem very vague, i would go a little into depth on who i am as a person.


i am 13 and recently got into graffing. though i strictly use paper as my medium. i feel the act of defaceing another persons propperty is somthing i wish to have nothing to do with, and i hope the majority of you feel the same way.


i was raised into a very religious upbringing, christians to be specific. I live with my family in kansas and hope to travel to california in a few years when i am aold enough.


anyways, i hope this helps a little, if anyone wants to share somthing about themselves please feel free! i'd like to hear it. i feel it will only be a matter of time before i am part of the gang and fit in like the rest of you!


Vaj, i sense some coldness from you, please, introduce yourself, in time i feel you will really grow a liking to me..



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Toe Cutter,

I am a girl.

You can tell that by the fact that my name is vagina colored.

Girls don't graffiti.

I am what people refer to as a tag hag.

I only sex dudes with the hippest of crews.

Either way, I will still buy you beer.



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