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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12 Oz

You sent me an e-mail that said you have been allocated invites in the subject line. Then i open it and it says you have been allocated 0 invites. So why waste precious memory� on that useless message...GOD!! Fuckin trees are growing now because of you and your paperless office, fuck the trees they dont do shit for me. I live in all brick hhouse that is being insulated by own lust for life...i guess im just mad cuz i got 0 invites....oh well

Your friend in Christ

Royce Mcutchin





Thats not my real name so dont say hey no real names here , the pigs is outs ins fulls effects

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear weekend-


Thanks for being the best you've been in a really long time.

Thanks for the life changing experience, the tan, the good foods and thank you for letting me hang out with abstract rude.

I'm not too happy about meeting the devil though. Someone should talk to dude and let him know that shits not right. Maybe I am that someone who needs to talk.?

The babies and kittens were nice.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear piss talkers,


why the fuck must you try and start up useless conversation when i'm trying to take a piss at the stand up. don't you notice i have my dick in my hand? do you think i really want to sit there, with my dick in my hand, talking to you and your moustache about my weekend or the weather? next time you decide to stand next to me at the urinal, and continue to tell me how psyched you are that the cold weather is finally here --i might just miss the fucking toilet, point my dick upwards, piss over the little wall, and piss in your mother fucking eyeballs. you hear me dude! i'm not fucking kidding here. don't try talking to me when my dick is in my mother fucking hand. it ain't fucking cool!


and i swear on the holy fucking bible, if you ever try and talk to me when i'm taking a shit --i'm going to hurl a handful of butt pudding at you.


don't fuck with me in the bathroom asshole!



earl "don't talk to me when my dick is in my hand, even if i'm just pissing" Broclo ESQ.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Monday night Football/ESPN,


Tell Mrs. Farve to shut the fuck up!!!


I could give two fucking shits what Brett Farve's wife thinks about anything or anyone!!!



Fucking goddamn you to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JUST SHOW FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Constipated With ANGER,



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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear peoples


I every time I come in here I realize my life is not that bad. Keep up the good work.



/no bragging



- Sneak "Interested Reader" Creep

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sister who just came home,


why the hell did you decide to dye your hair in MY bathroom.

you moved out, that bathroom does not belong to you anymore.

now it smells like ammonia.

i was just about to take a shower too, thanks.





dear pizza breath,


i tried brushing and using listerine twice, go away already


stinky pills

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