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Dear Suki,


Was it online? If so, go to your bank and complain and you should get it back. If it wasn't online, and you do catch this thief, ---wait, YOU HAVE A DICK? I thought we talked about this. Isn't it just a mental penis? If so, nobody would be able to suck your mental penis. If you've got a real penis Caligula better tell me.


Also, quit hiding from me on AIM. I ain't no rapist. I just own the van of one.



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dear 20's,


you were fun while you lasted.

regrets?....sure, im not gonna lie, i have a ton of them.

well 10 more minutes left in my 20's, then i'll officially be in my 30's :(

i will try to enjoy these last 10 minutes by oontzing!




Dear CaliG,


Ditto. Happy belated b-day my friend. I hope to chilll with you & the others again one day.



-birthday marco




Dear chick I met at the dog park,


Thanks for buying me wings & beers last night. Even though you have a boyfriend/sugardaddy, its cool cuz you still kiss me when you're drunk.



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dear earl,

sorry.... i kind of spray painted "RAPE VAN" on one side and "FREE CANDY ON A SHAG RUG INSIDE" on the other side.


my bad, i do that to all rape vans, it's a habit.




sometimes i write "RAPE ON" and i like to think other van rapists are like "HELL YA RAPE ON BROHAMIMAINANIENDNSANSMEAERICA!" when they see it.



why is it so fun doing that and ruining peoples van-lifes?

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Dear Cali,


Happy Birfday mate.




dear 5fingure,


thanks for the bday wishes!




p.s. and also for the props.


dear cali,

happy birthday dude.

but look at it this way, now you are in your dirty 30's

go do some shit and stop dwelling on being 30!



dear bbs,



good point..i need to stop dwelling on the fact that im old as fuck now.

thanks for the advice!..lol.




dear cali


welcome to the 30s its a fun era....


old ass souls


dear old ass souls,


as long as there are flamming vaginas and im able to touch a whore's vagina lip, the 30s will be just as fun as the 20's!






dear cali

apparently its ur bday so happy bday



dear invest,







dear caligula,


happy day of birth! i'm glad you were born!




dear milky,


thanks...im glad i was born too!:)




Dear Cali


Happy Bday, may the thickest thick chick offer some freaky sex......STDs not included.


dear silba,


thanks!...i already got some freaky thicky thick sex for my birthday!

can't wait for more!




dear cali,


im not going to try to act like i know you but everyone deserves a "happy birthday" on their birthday so uhh.......happy birthday?


Love, RU


dear RU,


thanks man.




Dear Cali,


Life sucks die ... or just go out and drink the sorrows of 30ism away. Happy Birthday!


~some random dude~


dear some random dude,


thanks for using your 2nd post on wishing me a happy birthday..seriously.




happy belated birthday caligula


dear almighty,



you werent belated though...you were right on time.





Dear CaliG,


Ditto. Happy belated b-day my friend. I hope to chilll with you & the others again one day.



-birthday marco



dear birthday marco,



yeah man, you need to visit cali again!



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Dear Cali,


You're welcome.


Dear Suki,


I used my first post to tell you not to fret over the giants' loss on Monday, see they turned it around yesterday...and dam it why haven't you replied to that yet. Is S.F. boy still cruising out for the BBQin' this weekend, ah hell I'll hit him up.


Dear Milky,


You have way too much time on your hands with all these eccentric posts and what nots. And might I ask what the heck is Rodayoe's (spelling's off I'm sure) name on this fun lil community you got here?

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