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dear seywhothinksihateherbutidontidstickitinherballdeepyakballs


haha, from the way you said you had a weird dream.

i thought it was gonna be some nutso shit like i killed the whole sharks hockey team.

then fought your sister while sky diving no parachute style, and i used her for a parachute and to cushion my landing.

then i put joe "deepthroatingchokeartist" thortons body on the hood of my rental hummer h9 and drove all around SJ playing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgWURoLbUVM

through a set of huge speakers on all 4 sides of the roof of the hummer.


but then again thats just me.



dear san jose sharks,

you suck.

kill yourselves.


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Dear boatwhodoesntreallyhatemebuthatesthesjsharkslikewhoaa1er,


HAHAHAHAHA christ, you never fail with the crazy ass imaginations.

I'm gonna have dinner with my sister tomorrow because she said that she

has good news to tell me. I have a feeling she's going to tell me that

she's having a baby. Do you think this would be an appropriate time to

promote hatred for the sharks to this baby?



ps: sharrrrk weeeeeeeeek

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Dearest MN..

I have always heard that AVON's product SKIN SO SOFT was origianlly made for repellant...but there was something with regulations..(or whatever) that they couldnt market it as such. People I work around, or clients of the shop swear by it when travelling. We dont get too many mosquitos here so I wouldnt kow exactly. But you really have nothing to lose because of the product. Except a lil pride in finding yourself an Avon rep..haha.

Im sure you could order online though.

Ive even heard that a good intake of Niacin helps deter mosquitos, but it cause hot flushes in the face/body.


Good luck.


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dear people from the west coast of Scotland... learn to take a fucking wash... please...


this evening roughly six of you, with foreheads the size of breeze blocks that look like solid bone with little or no brain matter inside stood beside me in my local pub, i don't mind that. but the fact you all smelled like a fuckin' potato sack of highly decomposed skunks is another matter all together.


i'm addressing this to people of glasgow. if you mix water (yes that's the thing that falls oot the sky for 6 solid days of every week) with fucking soap. it won't make you melt...


i will bet my highly fragrant smelling life on that, trust me...


and to the cunt that "smelt" ("smelled like") a brutal mixture of knob cheese and chlorine who stole my leaning post on the bar... i fear you are beyond help.


you are wearing flip flops on a day we have had more rain than pakistan has had in a month, and a body warmer, "here mate there's a newspaper, this isn't nineteen fuckin' ninty seven cock nose"


no wonder you don't even have a dog, never mind a fuckin' wife who wouldn't let you leave the hoose (house) looking like that...







i'm sorry to have gone on so long. but these dirty wee fuckin' feltch queens assaulted my nostrils for waaaay too long tonight, and i am on the war path


no homo...

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dear rolf,




GET EM! bring a hose in from the street and a couple bars of soap and just throw the soap at em and start spraying them down.

sounds like they need to be thrown out on the street and then drenched in water and soap

for a couple of years.


i hate people who dont shower or wash, and stink like something disgusting.



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Dead dress lady,

That was no mistake woman.

Since you be a liar and telling me all kinds of 'I altered your dress" stories,

I am wearing a vintage 70's vintage dress from somebody's hell.

You laugh, I am getting my money back and going to wear the patoonie out of

that southern bell of a dress.

Faint blue and white stripes and all.

I am too cute not to look cute. dig.

It's gonna be great. I am going to try and keep my aunt from ripping your head off tomorrow dude.

But no promises. She is her own person.

Laughter rolls-B-fish.

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