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dear van,


i got "the works" for $23.99 +tax and a $5 tip for people that were hand drying my car in the 97 degree weather.


the works included the following:


Full Service Regular Wash

Air Freshener

Black Magic Tire Dressing

Wheel Cleaner

Spot Free Rinse

Blue Coral Triple Treatment


It was the 2nd most expensive service...the most expensive being "The manager's special"


The only thing more expensive than the manager's special is hand detailing the car which ranges from $124.99 to $299.99.



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in order to fully become a part of active society like normal minded people you must first learn to respect the rules of society. I understand you have disabilities but the basic rules of this thread are very simple to understand. Address your audience, state your purpose, and close with a sign off.


-red.and.blue on this thread these days.


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[special edition]


Dear The Wick,


ONE MORE MOTHERFUCKING SLEEP. Then I never ever have to come back except to paint over all the shitty shit middle class street art and drink the artisan ale and visit the few people I like there, mainly cos they hate it there as much as I do. The idea of not having to live somewhere that is a breeding ground for hip groups of wannabe individualists and creatives until they marry into each other's wealthy families is amazing.


It's been swell but the swelling's gone down


</3 TDB




Dear Decy,


Dude over the last coupla months I seriously would have


a) murdered at least 2 people

b) got arrested and

c) ruined my chances at my future


All the talking down, all the phone calls and texts to make sure I'm ok, all the creative swearing and insults, the occasional offer to do someone over for me to make me smile, the constant drawing of my name, the way you 'told me' and just the fact that there is a you...


you know


you're mad talented and crazy cool


[city] here I come, where I belong


<3 [soppy] TDB

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Dear New Girl,


Ya hear that? Camera phone.




If we here some lame excuse outta that then we got a girl CALI will love


Dear VFOR,


AWESOME! problem solved, not! While camera phones are great mine is about two years old (I'm just not really much of a tech chick) and I still find it to not be meeting my photographic needs for shooting moving freighters. What can I say I'm just that dedicated to bringing you guys quality shots :rolleyes: . But like I told you in the PM last night give me a little time to get settled in and comfortable, all I need is one good night of drinking and your wish might be fulfilled. But I'm one stubborn bitch when you push me lol.






P.S. Where exactly would I post that on my thread? :confused:

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Dear Police,


I'm really glad it's usually not a real emergency when I have to call you asshole at work considering it took you guys twenty minutes to come the two blocks from your station to my job this morning. Guess if I ever have a real emergency I'm fucked and thank god for bullet proof glass!





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Dear NG,


I hope you PM'd this dude first.


Otherwise I'm gonna assume he's trolling for Internet tits and have a hearty laugh.





Dear girl,


I'm flattered you want to spend time with me, but don't fucking skip work to hang out just because I have the day off!



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Dear Realism


I hear you on that man, sometimes you just need a day off, my ex used to do that. hope you are good though mate.


Dear TDB


congrats on handing in your notice, almost moved too, moving up. you know.


Dear work


I hate it when you piss me off to the extent you did today, makes me a grumpy cunt with a chip on my shoulder. please stop


Dear J


enjoy camping lil man, i can't imagine your mum camping but I imagine it will be amusing!


glad to be home after work



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Dear NG,


I hope you PM'd this dude first.


Otherwise I'm gonna assume he's trolling for Internet tits and have a hearty laugh.




Dear Realism,


Yes we spoke in a PM but he is one in a processions of about 10 now that I have met here on 12OZ that have asked me to show my tit's. WTF? I just wanted to start a little thread to show my pics and it turns into that. Haley ruined it for the females on here. Lucky for you guys I am a good sport and will play along. Was hoping to get a camera out of some poor sap (after all it's the internet crazier things have happened) but I see that ain't happening since Haley gave up the goods for free.





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Dear VFOR,


That you did which I really appreciate, but again its just not going to meet my photographic needs. I will say you have done more than anyone else so again, A for effort. Maybe I'll PM you a cleavage shot for all your effort later but I'm at work right now.





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Dear TDB,


Yeah on this thread I did offer but I have come to find in life if you can't beat them, try to get some free shit out of them. Ain't nothing in life free right? I started out on 12OZ with my thread on Metal Heads where I post pics of Freights on almost daily. Check me out I'm about to post a bunch of dope freshies, it's called North Carolina Raise Up. That is why I am being such as beggar about needing a camera, which is not at all how I am in real life. I'm a super independent chick that pay for all her own shit and never asks for help from anyone. Which is why it will be awhile before I can afford the camera I want.


Anyway it was on my thread that everyone started comparing me to Hellacious Haley. She was this girl that use to post a lot on Metal Heads but has fallen off. If you want to check out her stuff there is a link to her thread on mine as well, she was good. But it was Red who informed me that Haley was way cooler than I am, because she posted tit pics and I don't and that I need to post some out GTFO. So that is how the whole tit pic thing got started.





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She was kinda hot.


Dear Mass,


I was assuming she was the way you guys talk about her lol. I checked out her graff pics but there's way to many pages in that thread for me to scroll through looking for these mythical tit pics everyone keeps speaking of.





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Dear TDB,


But it was Red who informed me that Haley was way cooler than I am, because she posted tit pics and I don't and that I need to post some out GTFO. So that is how the whole tit pic thing got started.








lol, just to clarify, Haley never posted tits that I am aware of, but not becuase she wasn't asked to, that for sure. And I WISH i could claim to have started the TITS OR GTFO trend, but that was here when I got here, a loooooong time ago. It's all in fun, but "The absence of clothing will offend nobody".


-If you get that, cheers...



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All in good fun, I am actually a very happiily married man. That being said, I have access to the internet, which lets me be an anonymous asshole whenever I want. Please never take me seriously unless I am talking about food or telling people their thread is awesome and they should keep at it!



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All in good fun, I am actually a very happiily married man. That being said, I have access to the internet, which lets me be an anonymous asshole whenever I want. Please never take me seriously unless I am talking about food or telling people their thread is awesome and they should keep at it!




Dear Red,


LOL Yeah I realized after I posted that I might should have left off the ? and the ;) cuz it is just in good fun. Sorry I've been drinking again, don't take anything I say after 11PM east coast time seriously either. Deal?





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Dear Realism


I hear you on that man, sometimes you just need a day off, my ex used to do that. hope you are good though mate.


Dear Decy,


Yeah man, all is well. Might be in Scotland in the fall, actually, so if I can sort out a cheap connection I'll shoot you a heads up.



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