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Dear ________,


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Guest NeverBeenBetter

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear anyone who comes in here complaining about hangovers,


it's 2010. they invented pho. what the fuck are you guy doing with yourselves?




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Guest NeverBeenBetter

Re: Dear ________, - no homo




I got a pinched nerve...one in my neck thats already been established (vicodin,nortriptlyne)...and a new problem with my fucking ankle (MRI,steroids).


I am indeed a heavy weight motherfucker....but I am 6ft 4.


BTW you working at a bay area shop these days right, where u at? PM if u dont want the world to know...im looking for some new stuff.


-Fat Motherfuckin Ralphy


dear big guy,


yeah but it seems you really like traditional stuff. and a lot of the guys we have are black and grey dudes. too be honest we have a bunch of mediocre dudes that we inherited, that i'd rather just kinda get rid of... but were hoping raising the rent will get rid of a few...


in fact i think im gonna go post an ad in the tattoo thread about getting a traditional dude in our shop...


if you want some black and grey though, hit me up.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear roommate,

You're a fucking asshole. At your age and for as many months we've been paying on this lease how do you "forget" that rent is due on the first. You are quite the bitch to have to borrow money to cover rent from your father. Get a fucking checking account and grow up dick.




P.S. STOP sticking your grubby ass hands on my food, stealing cut up ingredients and saying "lemme get a bite"

I fucking hate you. <3

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear society,

i am currently working as much as possible and still only making 12k a year. This shit is fucking awful, I can't pay my bills on this type of salary. I'm not tryin to sell drugs again to get by, but god dammit if me and my girl start gettin hungry i'm goin behind your fuckin back and makin a few g's the way i used to. I really want to leave the old me in the past, but you have left me very little room to do what i know is right.

Fuck you society, i'm gonna write on your walls until the day i day. The people might forget about me, but your walls won't.


~ridiculously entertaining arrogance

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Guest NeverBeenBetter

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear marco,


fuck you nigga. we be sayin hella!






jk bro glad you had a good time.




ps: you sould like a paisa.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mudpuddles,


i was in portland for the weekend, getting loose downtown, kept an eye out for you so i could walk up and make a comment about trannies. didnt see you though. i did, however, see the inside of the paris theatre for the first time. good golly. all i gotta say.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dow,


that totally sucks cause i actualy went out on friday night (i rarely go out ) and the girlfriend i was with had a curfew. i got in 2 beers at the shanghi and then had to take her home. ended up wasted on tiny chat ...... would have been much cooler to have trannie conversations with you!! i will be taking my camera downtown now though :)


freaking pm me next time nigguh


- puds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear marco,


glad you had hella fun. as it always hella fun around good people.

nice to meet your brother as well...you're very nice respectable gentlemens.

come back anytime. team flaming vagina represent!





dear bfish,


nice to have met you as well! you're spider dance is the shit!

maybe we'll have to have a macktown meet up in the future.





dear suki,


we'll do it all again in two weeks!






dear soulkillers, caligula and marco,


mustang ranch FTW!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear milky g



You rock u are my new best friend for ever....






Dear sooki,

we will have to meet up again for coffee at rayileys, its in the middle of us.







dear b fish,


your a sweet as your are pretty. i had fun.







dear big calig


dude.... dude.... FLAMING FUCKING VA JAYJAY, it was a blast, i saw that one yerterday after work, the one with the tattoos. look better in the light.....






Dear marco,



u are a chill guy anytime u back this was way hit me up . u got the fb....

it was funny. and next time wew should take your brother to the mustang as well....




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