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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear t,




"you like opiates? ill save you some"




love you buddy


dear dow,

it's cool bro i'll totally save you some too... happy vdaay.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear intensive probation,

I don't miss you at all. I've been smokin mad weed since you left, and i haven't touched any powder at all. When we were together, that was all i could do. You were the worst thing to ever happen to me and i hope we never meet again. Fuck you, and your officers, and all your goddamn bullshit regulations. I'm glad we're through.


-Resuming Extracurricular Activities

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



dear 2 girls i asked out on a date for tonight,


i hope one of you two cancels tonight, or i need to figure out a way to be at two places on one time.





dear girls,


wow....nobody on 12oz is going to believe me, but it was cool that you guys both showed up on a date with me for drinks and dancing, and neither of you had a problem with one another, and we even danced together...all three of us...at the same time...wow...i felt special on the dance floor.


but you guys really surprised me when you kissed each other on the lips (i wish more tongue was invloved).


its official...bi and bi curious women are fun to go out with!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear injury,

i find it hard to believe you've ever had a girlfriend, considering you spend all your time on this site, or prob on some gay porn sites.

your buddy,



dear new jersey kid,


had three. my nuts, your mouth, i'll bring the wine?


love, inj.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear chief,


you are obviously umad due to no one finding your pictures funny. also you fail at naming simpsons characters correctly.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear injury,

i bet youd love for me to suck your dick, thats because your "girlfriends" were prob boyfriends. your flaming fag.


dear T14K,

im not mad, i could care less if you find my shit funny, cuz i dont find your shit funny..and i suck at spelling simpsons character names?? who fucking cares. you and injury should meet up a and spend some quality time making fun of my unfunny posts and exchanging bodily fluids, you fucking homos

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear homo,


in response to your sentence "your flaming fag". The way in which you used the word "your" implies ownership. Basically what you just told injury was that you were his "flaming fag". I thought you might of meant to say "you're a flaming fag" but that would require a whole word you failed to even enter.


Just sayin...


Your heterosexual dude who knows about grammar,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear homo,


in response to your sentence "your flaming fag". The way in which you used the word "your" implies ownership. Basically what you just told injury was that you were his "flaming fag". I thought you might of meant to say "you're a flaming fag" but that would require a whole word you failed to even enter.


Just sayin...


Your heterosexual dude who knows about grammar,



dear asshole,

this is a fucking internet forum, not a fucking college paper. fuck yourself you sorry sack of shit

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear retard.


punctuation is the difference between


helping your Uncle Jack off a horse.


and helping your uncle jack off a horse...




also you're an adult. learning these simple rules will help you at mcdonalds or wherever you're going to end up...





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear swindle and the rest of this site that hates me,

Im sorry, please dont threaten me over the internet, im done with this site, i e-mailed mods to delete my account and hopefully they'll do it, so this will be my second to last post ever. gotta put something funny in the gif. thread. anyways, farewell 12oz, i know you wont miss me.


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