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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Spring Break,


so far you've been pretty dope...

besides the horrible pizza yesterday,

people threatening to shoot up my crib,

ex lady bringing more drama to my life,

and almost being kicked out,

im looking forward to what else you have in store for me...

cant wait..




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali-g

When ever your free let me know.

I look forward to the hood flicking extravaganza

sincerely- Banana


Dear shai-

Ill pm you some as soon as I find my camera.

I think I left it at someone's house....

I wouldn't mind coming up on those tags you showed us at safeway:)

-B. Fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear organic peanut butter and cashew butter,



did you really think you would make it through the night? fools i had a full bottle of honey , a gallon of soymilk , and a muthafuckin powerpuff girls spoon. you had no chance... you where bound to be consumed in a pinky violence movie marathon.

i will give you credit for having your lids tightly wrapped but you where no match for the all mighty butter knife..



sincerely elis von sixer

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear peps,


Remember when I opened up that fake myspace account? well i finally addes some pics of this girl i found and im getting messages from guys :lol:


CHeck this out....


"So, i guess it's time for me to start using this account. I took a gander though your page and well, I liked what I saw.. ;p


So, my name is Eugene Campbell. I think we should be friends, because you seem pretty cool, and maybe even cute! (it's so tough to tell in this digital world :)


anyway, i'd go on and on, but I want to get an answer from you.. You should check out my other page on this other site, I'm always on over there - http://www. datecentrale. net/?id=2568 , my username is estlshi (myspace messes up the link, so just erase the spaces in the website address). Then maybe we could chat sometime!


talk to you soon,"




and this one..


"what up wit you i just moved here and tryin to find something to get into so hit me back try to get into something "


They messaged me and didnt even bother to add me.


<-------Destruction League Member

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear organic peanut and cashew butter,



it seem i may have been too hasty in claiming victory.... possibly we can come to some sort of understanding so i can stop going into the bathroom every 30 minutes..




sincerely an apologetic mog 9

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ex-Roomate,


I really enjoyed the ungodly amounts of porno mags and dvds you supplied the crib with. I also hate your homeboy you used to bring over and would crash on the couch like he owned the fucking living room. He made my couch smell like ass and dorritos. So it made it extra hard to get any play on my couch for the sole fact that I hated dirtying up my bed sheets so I would like to bang on my couch but couldn't because your lard ass homeboy would either be on it farting on it and or eating nacho and ranch flavored dorritos and getting crumbs all over that shit. And when we all would get drunk and have parties he was the most obnoxios fuck ever and would usually puke on the carpet and or try to make to the bathroom only to miss the toilet entirely. which I might add paid 350 dollars for the couch. And the fat fuck brought over his toothbrush and other toiletries like he would stay for days at a time. And you remeber when I was finally fed up with his shit and told him to bounce but not with out utilizing your porn mags in the bathroom and blowing a load onto his tooth brush. So fuck him. He took a piece of me with him when he left and brushe his teeth.



Love Always,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear extremely large white girl that was at the kickback tonight,



you know just because i look black does not mean i was hitting on you... how does "hey its your turn to pull a card" for circle of death equal "hey baby your fat white and i'm black" lets get it on.

i understand my standards are low but i have standards none the less... i also have a lady friend whom if things go right will be wifey status and we will have little tiger woods to make us mad money..

if you ever read this i hope you know that you had spittle on your chins... shit was udd shiny...





shinsheerly a drunken elis





ok so also your thicker friend had on horizontal stripes... bitch looked like a hot air balloon... honestly i was way more interested in the fact that there was 30 botles of hard liquor and all the different types of drunk i could get off of them then anything else...


so sick of sheboygan and your over active imaginations then anything in the world.... is it that unbelievable i listen to black metal and eath metal.. or hell can listen to too short and imogen heap in the same ten minutes?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


It was cool meeting you as well. Sorry I wasn't able to get a hold of you today(Friday).


I had a family emergency and my phone is on its way to Bakersfield I think. I'm still heated about it and wish I would've chilled beach bum style with you and Theo.


IOU Not liking his family right now Oner.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear suki,


Out of all the spots in the city you had to walk into mine. Fuckin odd that you were at a random bar that I happened to show up to, called you and told you to look to the right. The look on your fucked up face was to hilarious and I wish I had the pic.


P.S. You should've hit me up earlier than you could've rocked out at this one bar like this.




-Fuck a nina this is straight magnum

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear theo,


yeah...roscoes was fuckin good!


we cut out to my cousins spot and watched the end of the lakers game...it was a good come back but sucks that they didnt win.


sorry, for keepin you man....if i woulda known the lakers game was on, i wouldnt of taken up much of your time.


i'll post the chicken and waffle flicks later.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear you guys,

I'm jealous.


Dear jonathon,

you really need to figure out if your going to go back to english for the rest of the semester. I know we missed the midterm and probably have failed by now from absences alone, but really, figure this shit out. And we really need to get our sociology midterm done. We've pushed it off for a week now, do it. Don't worry about how its going to be 7 pages or that you don't fucking care, just do it. And, find a good lie about all of your grades, we need that laptop from the rents.




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