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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Finals,


hopefully i pass you....

if i dont im going to be uncontrollably pissed

and probably going to hit someone in the face

with this big dumbass history book you have me carrying around...

chemistry, you sucked ass...

english and math, you were aight....

now im looking forward to history and senior survey finals....

well.... no not really looking forward to any of them.....

god damn you suck...



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear work,


That was the most painful three hours ever.


I haven't been on my feet for more than 30 minutes in two and a half months due to my toes being broken and all that shit. Thank you for forgetting the hours you wanted me to work. I got to work at 4:30 because you had told me to be there at 5:00 and I wanted to see what was new since I left. Nothing.


Then you have me clock in at 4:45 and dust the store. Okay...I can roll with that.


Then you slip up and send me home at 8:00...cool son. I don't think I could have made it until 10:00.


Now I'm off to watch the movies I rented from you. The Shield volume 2....yeah son.


-Bruce "my dogs are barkin" Oner



Dear weather,


Fuck you. I can't even lock my car because you'll freeze my lock shut. I hope you get warmer soon, but then all these rapid changes in the tempature will be causing my toes pain with all that metal in them. Thats wack. Thank you for freezing my driver's side door shut and forcing me to crawl out of the passanger's side after I got home.


Warm the fuck up,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cwalk

whats love got to do with it?

dear rain

you're fucking up my friday

and pockets without teh fettuccines?

you ain't exactly helping out either.


Dear super smart gorgeous girl

you have expensive taste

I'm glad you are not my girlfriend.

But I still want to take you out tonight

and make a move like my man dave in half baked

and steal money from the homeless to buy you drinks.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear caligula,


i didn't get to meet the pugs, but we did go to a mexican

restaurant and she brought some of her friends.








dear milk,


if you are gonna meet the pugs,

bring a nose clip.

iestoy serio!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear cops who pulled me over today,


Thanks for being cool. Sorry my passanger door dosen't work so my girl couldn't just hand you her ID. Also sorry I didn't notice you guys following me for three block, I wasn't really looking into my rearview. My eyes were either on the road, or on my girl. Thanks for letting me off with no bullshit. 2 and a half years of driving and this is the first time I get pulled over, and no ticket? Yeah son.




Bruce "I be rockin' the rollin' stop" Oner

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