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Dear ________,


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Dear Sneak,

Pancakes are awesome, but so are waffles.

Soakin up that sizzurp,



Dear SheRock,

As close as you are, there will have to be lots of weekend trips.

Let's get some hookers.

Smashingly Yours,

Lili St C.


Dear Belly,

Lili is broke and can't take you out to lunch today.

Please stop craving shit we can't afford right now.

The leftover scampi we made last night is going to have to do.

If you're nice, I might get you a 99cent salad from Wendy's.




Dear Sir,

Sorry for being drunk, slutty and immature around you.

Just because you're man enough to make me call you daddy, doesn't mean I have to act like a fucking brat.



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Dear Channel 4 News Dude,

You sir, are a complete jerkface.

You made me look like a heartless bastard when talking about watching a man die from stab wounds in my apartment complex.

I care about more than just being able to

"get out of our lease easier"

Stop making me look like a bad person.

If I see you in the streets, it's my fist and your face.

Off the record.


Ghetto Dweller


Dear Life,

Ease up on me, will you?

Why does everything with you have to be a struggle?

Get off my case and let me make it.

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dear work,

if you keep sucking this bad, I'm going to open gunfire on everyone. EVERYONE.


yours truely,



dear polack customers,

just because I am white, does NOT MEAN I SPEAK POLISH. Speak polish to me again and you won't be getting decaf, you'll be getting my fucking phlem in your drink.


yours dearly,

the neighborhood barista


dear sinuses,

I've given up on you getting better. The 6 pills I took tonight did nothing. Thanks for ruining another day for me.


love always,

the girl who will be fishing you out with a knife tonight.

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Dear Sneak

Don't think for a second i forgot about you starring in your very own comic. Not a day goes by without me thinking, how am i gunna turn that mofucka into a sick 3 panel funny comic

im still thinking, but by golly, when it gets made, itll be posted and funny.

ALSO, y'all dont sleep on it, come sept, expect way more ouncers comics fo sho



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Guest R@ndomH3ro



Awesome.....I could be like Cpt Metal or something...my superpower would be the ability to put funny captions on cats.



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dear irish,


it's because you love me.


love always,

the cat with a face.


dear sleeping pill dude,


I'm lactose intolerant, so that prolly won't work. I drank tea. Wide awake.

Please punch me in the face.


sincerely yours,



dear bruce1nr,


I will request you in the morning. I'm currently trying to seduce a moderator via myspace.


love always,


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