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so...last night i had this really disturbing dream where i was out in suburbia where my parents now live, in mcallister's deli.


it immediately got very weird. i went to the restroom and PLUGGED 3 MDA pills (IN MY BUM :( )

it hurt and was gross. then they didn't work. i was pissed. i mowed the lawn.


i dunno wether to laugh or puke and then committ suicide.

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Well your dreams are telling you that you have homosexual tendencies via sticking shit in your ass...I think you want to have anal sex with your gardener or lawn care person...



I had a dream last night that I was getting back in one of my old bands and their new drummer was teaching me the new songs. We didnt have drums so we were air drumming all of the parts...it was pretty funny

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My dreams are cruel... They are very normal.. So much that when I wake I'm not always sure of what happened.. No joke.. At times with my ex she would have to tell me what had happened or didn't.. Strange as strange is..

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it's weird...i dream about intoxicants alot...in one, i was walking through this empty lot next to my childhood home, and saw something shiny on the ground. upon further inspection i noticed that the object was mostly buried.


so i dug it up and it was a tin box. inside was a teenage girl's driver's license, and her dope kit...spikes, tourniquet, and several points of dope wrapped in foil. i was soooooooo stoked. it was one of those moments when, in your dream, you're like, "THIS IS NOT A DREAM. THIS WILL EXIST WHEN I WAKE UP. YEAH!" anyone else experience this regularly? well i do and it sucks. when i woke up i was bummed. strange cos i don't have, and have never had, a desire to fuck with that stuff. maybe a female junkie lives in my subconscious. i hate teh brain.

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