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myspace...some cold hearted shit...


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grouphug.us :



I meet this girl on myspace who sent me naked pictures and now is going to come over to have sex! I feel bad because i am using her, but at the same time i dont because well she's a slut.






'm an asian guy who hates asian girls, they're so fucking annoying... i hate how they take pictures with the peace sign, try to be cute when they have mustaches and how they TyPe LyKe DiS~* ^_-, its really fucking annoying and unneccesary. They honestly can't take a hint that im not interested... theres this asian girl at my school who has more facial hair than i do and can throw a football harder than 90% of my school.. its pretty embarassing. and how they have no ass.. its like looking at a wall with jeans... i hate how they stare at me... they really need to spill battery acid on themselves...i mean you can't type your reports for your job LyKe ThiS~* its fucking unethical and retarded. i mean dont get me wrong there are some hot asian girls but thats rare, and even if they're hot they become more annoying and attach themselves to my arm like a fucking leach... sometimes i want to throw salt in their eyes to see if they'll shrivel up and die. and if you're not a somewhat pretty asian gir, you're disgusting... you can honestly cut some of their hair off and play them off as men. sometimes i get jealous because they have more facial hair than i do. oh and i hate it when they wear the color contacts... then be like AzN PRyDE! i mean wtf... you're trying to be caucasian.. i have no asian pride.. not with the asian girls i know... the only asian girl i dated was adopted by white parents... the rest were all white. i cant stand asian girls. DONT COME NEAR ME ANYMORE YOU SMELL LIKE CABBAGE AND YOU HAVE FACIAL HAIR.



This guys just spoke 99% truth.

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me and my girl deleted our myspaces.. just to avoid drama.




How the fuck do you have drama on myspace? Seriously. You guys must be part of some hip-hop graffiti cyberscene culture. I really don't understand how this works.


Oh, and I think I have three real friends from the neighbourhood on my friend's list, not one.

No drama!


oh, and Dazzle, I better still be on your friends list! haha

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Like, when a Chinese woman is sick in bed with a horrible flu and her husband comes home with some chicken noodle soup and brings it up to her bed, along with a teddy bear and some flowers...and then he approaches his sick wife and says "DENGOWAYYAAAAA!!!"*


*Chinese way to whisper "I love you".

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i deleted my myspace profile twice already, i was on that shit like dec 03 the first time, hooked up and got brains from a couple chicks, then some drama and the first delete, the second profile lasted all of two weeks and three logins. Then i moved so i made my current profile just to stay intouch with people and lurk, i also use it to post pics of my son so my family out of state and friends can see him. people make mountains out of mole hills over some myspace bullshit

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my myspace is mostly all people I know/ kick it with regularly..with the exception of random hook ups who I keep in touch with for future hookups/late night sessons and some 12oz people (deets, mero, fatalist, gats, earmuffs, sherm, devillush) who I talk to semi-regularly..I just use it too talk shit to my friends..it's kind of like cheap text messaging..so sometimes a girl will say too much and I have to delete her comment....

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