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a different paranoia


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I suffer from very strong paranoia, especially at night. My paranoia is viewed as silly from everyone ive told but im curious to your guys/girls views. I tend to see things at night, like weird things and I tell myself they arent there but I dunno... sometimes I get the feeling they are. For instance, once i wokeup and there were 3 human like figures standing over my bed watching me sleep. I sleep with my door locked every night, because im afraid of people coming into my room without me knowing, and im positive i wasnt sleeping because I was upright in bed and fully concious of time. I also always have the feeling that something is behind me, especially when I shower. I have to look over my shoulder constantly because I get strong feelings of a presence behind me. Usually I go into panic attacks because the fear is so strong, all I can do is lay in bed and pray it ends soon. I have this belief that im creating these people and placing them into my life, but since I don't fully understand how to control my life yet I can't keep them "alive" for more then a few seconds before they dissapear. It is a very horrifying thing however, yet I oddly enjoy the sensation as if I shouldn't be afraid of it

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I'll field this one. It looks like your a schizoprenic. Does it run in your family?


You should see a doctor and get klonopin or xananx for short-term symptoms, but you should also go on an anti-depreeseant like celexa or wellbutrin...



If the beans don't help, theres some stronger shit, but you'll become a walking zombie, which can be fun in its own way i guess...

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I feel like there are people watching me, even when I'm sitting in a room alone. doctors attributed it to my generalized anxiety/social phobia. you learn to live with it, especially when the docs won't write you a script for anything due to past actions/addicitons.

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sometimes i wonder if my body is symmetrical, but im usually way gone when thats the case. but ill like stand and try and analyze where the bones are in my body and compare them mentally to the other side to see if they are in the right spot or shaped correctly. yay weed?

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yeah, they have people who are qualified to help you with stuff like this. they're called psychologists and psychiatrists. if it's effecting your life you should probably talk to one before you find yourself curled up in the fetal position on top of a garage or something.

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maybe you've been seeing to many horror fliks and or horror video games...

dont know if thats the case but when i was younger and played the first silent hill i was straight paranoid the first couple of nights... the weed musta helped also...maybe?...

i saw the hills have eyes the other day and that shit caused some serious nightmares...

my mind is somewhat settled and used to all the horror shit somewhat so i've been able to deal with it and just kept on dreaming of that nightmare as long as a movie itself...

too bad i cant remember the dream but shit was intense...

either way get some help....

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In that Rockwell song, it always cracks me up how he says the word "hair".



Jaze, you really should see a professional. My dad was a psychologist at a University, so he used to treat a lot of young people. I've seen people go through what you're talking about, and it's scary-- but you can get help. Please do.

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everytime i take vics and drink i have this problem. i have nightmares where i wake up in and cant move and see things in my room from bears to the ring girl to jesus on his cross reaching for me in my room. i dont know why but everytime it happens. i have the worst intense nightmares its hard to explain.

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I once didn't sleep for two days, and I got sick. When I finally fell asleep I woke up what felt like two seconds later. All I remember is hearing people on my fire escape conspiring to kill me, and me dipping out the window to get those fuckers...


Shit was weird.

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I had some problems getting sleep last year, and as I told about it to my roommates, the fuckers told me I should eat some pills. that was their solution. I told them to shove the pills, I knew it was nothing else but my head and I managed to think it off. Now I sleep like a stone...


Anyone here telling you to take meds should really consider their words. Unless your condition is caused by a drug or youre being harmful to other people you shouldn't even consider any medication... Think about eating a pill for the rest of your life to alter your mind and another one to adjust the effects of the first one. If your head plays tricks on you, I'm sure you can think it off with some intense concentration. I know it sounds stupid.


Just try personal introspection, you have lots of time you can spend for yourself. If you're feeling totally helpless, you should seek psychiatric help. But shit that happens in your head, it's not something you should wipe under the mat with some fucking pills. That's my view on things, sorry and thank you.




I myself have this thing where as i'm just about to fall asleep, it seems that I get too tired to breathe.

Then I suddently wake up, can't move my legs or breathe, just look around for a couple of secs and think "yep, seems that I'm about to die." my heart beats slowly and I feel like passing out. Then I manage to shake it off and things go normal again, but it happens again and again until I either get up or stop trying to fight it. Usually I just give up and think "bye bye" and wake up the next morning. However all this happens quite rarely.


I'm sure all you motherfuckers think I should eat a thousand pills and get a 5,000$ diagnose and a letter combination definition for my "problem". Like that would contain and control the problem?

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