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saraday last won the day on April 14 2005

saraday had the most liked content!


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  1. saraday


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  2. saraday


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  3. ahh, first post from my new computer! i can't wayste all my time on the interwebs.. i have a mf'ing physics test to study for. (i'm going to fail because my teacher is a heartless bastard) /frowniefayce
  4. i just got my teeth cleaned at the dentist. the nice dentist gave me a new toothbrush and more floss. i wanted a lollipop. fuckers.
  5. here's another one so he wont bitch.. not quite as funny
  6. if only my tits were really that big.. lol. why do i have man-shoulders? are you insinuating something? seriously, that's funny. i got beers.
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