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Today WAS a great day.

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I know!!!







1. just put a note in the between of the sandwich layers:

"next time you catch rat poison motherfucker!"

That way, if it's left untouched you can still eat the sandwich, after removing your note.

But make sure that he hasn't edited the sandwich with rat poison, and leave the note there







2. put 5 fully armed G.I. Joe plastic figures guard your sandwich. Have Snake Eyes hang on a rope from the ceiling of the fridge, Storm Shadow and Duke hide behind the sandwich, etc.

No one on his/her right mind would ever mith with a fucking ninja commando!



82290454aae_main200.jpg stormshadow.JPG














3.place your sandwich inside a locked metal safe, attached to the inner structures of the refridgerator with chains


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I know!!!







1. just put a note in the between of the sandwich layers:

"next time you catch rat poison motherfucker!"

That way, if it's left untouched you can still eat the sandwich, after removing your note.

But make sure that he hasn't edited the sandwich with rat poison, and leave the note there







2. put 5 fully armed G.I. Joe plastic figures guard your sandwich. Have Snake Eyes hang on a rope from the ceiling of the fridge, Storm Shadow and Duke hide behind the sandwich, etc.

No one on his/her right mind would ever mith with a fucking ninja commando!



82290454aae_main200.jpg stormshadow.JPG














3.place your sandwich inside a locked metal safe, attached to the inner structures of the refridgerator with chains




ahhahahhh i lol'd irl

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make the tastiest looking sandwich, the possibilities are endless.


(try doing something with feces or salmonella, or possibly pubic hairs! just make sure it tastes good)


*edit - pockchop beat me with the one second reply


this is the best one...so something to make them real sick..salmonella or drop some eye drops on the sandwich..


they will shit instantly all day

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if you're taking bud brownies to work, eat them yourself man.


what kind of harsh punishment for a college kid is giving them your weed?!


besides it's been said already, just imagine the kinda shit you could get this fool to eat... could provide some pretty awesome blackmail material, heh



who wants to be ripped at work? not I.


Its a good idea

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i was gonna say eye drops too. seriously, one eye drop will fuck him up. and when you find out who it is, try dropping mustard into his water cup too. trust me.


im still laughing at whoever suggested packing an eztra sandwhich in a lunchbox. like its the first day of second grade and shit.

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write someone else's name on it.


Nah, that's the trick he uses for his backup sandwiches all the day's he's trying to poison this fool to some obvious degree. Or are they going to start noticing the fridge is one sandwich heavier and call the whole thing off? Dilemma.


Well, as I see it, the problem with the whole putting poison in the sandwich thing is this: you want to put enough in to make the guy retching sick either physically sick or really grossed out, but you can't taste the final product to know did I put too much in so that he's going to get suspicious before or on first taste, or is he going to munch a while before he realizes what he's into. . .It's a sandwich after all, you can't put raw chicken meat, or poop in the middle, because anyone stealing sandwiches is going to peek under the bread first.

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Go to a novelty shop and get some black mouth gum. Cut up said gum in little pieces, and spread them throughout the sandwich. If someone takes a bite of said sandwich, their lips, teeth, and tongue will be stained black all day. Then you can identify the thief, who will already look like an idiot, and nonchalantly suggest that they stop stealing food from the fridge.




Also, put a couple of eyedrops in it.

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Ok, Ill think about this. i may have to post pictures of me doing it. Well, except for the wacking off spooge part.



no no thats the best part. I mean i dont want to see it or anything but after your sangwhich covered in baby batter goes missing you can leave step by step pictures of you making the sangwhich . Have like a picture of your penis laying on the tomato slices then on the next picture you can show nut all over the tomatos. hehehehehe. Put it in one of those clear plastic report folders with a cover page and everything. Make it look official.

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