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The Skateboard Thread


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fuck hauling ass down the street and getting all four wheels stuck in some rubbery

apparently unfinished pave job. ughhhhhhhh! haven't been this sore in a fucking while.

hahaha.. the other night I was drinking and thought it would be a funny idea to take one of those 3 wheeled razor type deals down a hill with beer in hand.. almost made then leaned a little far back and slid on my side 15 feet.. it was pretty awesome.

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fuck hauling ass down the street and getting all four wheels stuck in some rubbery

apparently unfinished pave job. ughhhhhhhh! haven't been this sore in a fucking while.



Welcome to skateboarding in the city in the summer heat.

That "rubbery substance" is what they use to pave streets with, and it tends to melt and get so soft in the summer that you can literally grind the "waves" that are made from the weight of buses.


Or at least that's what I grew up with in Philly. No idea where you're at.

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wtf? I gets 115+ degrees here and our pavement doesn't melt.


I'm in fucking south Texas right now, and it doesn't melt hear either.


But for some reason it does in Philly.

And I'm guessing that it probably does in a few other places including where dude was talking about.

I'm sure it has to do with cheap ass motherfuckers in city council paying for cheap ass pavement.


I remember having trouble riding down the street and occasionally getting pitched off my board as early as 90 or 91 while riding 60mm Rat Bones.

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I really can't stand long boards and have absolutely zero respect for that whole long-boarding culture.


But I seriously can't be mad at this oldhead.




I mean come on... dude was doing exactly this long before my dad was even growing sperm in his nuts.



thats cause this dude can skate,i respect the crazy downhill dudes too,but have zero respect for hipsters who cant even push,and bought a longboard and keep the trucks cranked cause they dont wanna learn to actually skate

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I've come to the conclusion that professional skateboarders today are taking performance enhancing drugs.

I'm being serious.

Not that I'm necessarily knocking them for doing so.

Or saying that Skateboarding is even the type of sport that should be testing for that shit.

Just saying though.


Anybody else hear me on this?

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Skateboarding requires physical conditioning of the nervous system, not bigger/stronger muscles or anything that HGH or steroids could actually help.

As of right now, there are no proven ways to enhance the performance of the nervous system using drugs.

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I think maybe you haven't been paying attention to skateboarding these past few years.

Some of these dudes are doing superman shit that would be physically impossible to a normal person under normal circumstances.


And FYI, not all "performance enhancing drugs" are steroids.

Baseball players and marathon bikers have been banished from their sport for using substances that are not steroids, but do enhance their performance.


Skateboarding is now a high dollar competitive sport that makes people rich.

And it's flooded with jock kids who 20 yeas ago would've been football or basketball players who wouldn't be caught dead on a skateboard.

Maybe they're not all using the shit, but only a fool would believe that none of them are doing this.

Especially considering that skateboarding's probably one of the only "sports" that you could get away with that shit.


C'mon son. Just look at the shit these guys are doing these days.

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Yea, I've mentioned HGH, Human Growth hormone, there still isn't any drug proven to enhance coordination.

Iv'e seen every good video to come out since Streets on Fire back in the day and it's just a progression of the sport.

All the new shit reflects is street skating's progression and the fact that more kids do it now, so the chances of a freak of nature getting into it are higher.

Imagine seeing the Zboys doing grinds and little airs in pools then fast forwarding to vert in the late 80's with people landing 900's.

It's just progression, as soon as I see a white barry bonds looking ass kid kickflip up 30 I'll agree, but it isn't strength, it's all coordination and balls.

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