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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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yep yep east coast.

It kinda does suck but i'm a simple person, places where i don't get kicked out will suffice.

Ex: train stop waiting areas, libraries, restaurants as long as i buy something ha

I've got places to sleep at night secured already.


On another note i've had that "oh i think they like me, oh i think they like me, oh oh i think they like me..." song stuck in my head all day. Fuck down south rap.

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/\/\school is also boring here...


life is such a droning noise these days, like a shitty song that is getting overplay on the radio. i leave home and the lives of my friends and family falls apart. my mom has tumors and the doctor is "scared." and its up to two weeks before we find out more... fuck. 6 months til i'm home, yet... school is such a disappointment i feel like dropping out, only, i'd owe $40K at this point in the game... fuck. listening to punk rock a lot these days. checked out "alkaline trio." this band was coming on the scene when i "left" the punk scene. i purchased (i don't dl) good mourning. surprisingly good. i need some motivation...

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i just worked 32 hours in two days (ive been dirt poor for months), my mom who has grips of health issues all stemming from a stroke she had a few years back is going in for corrective surgery in october, and my daughter is starting to use the pot... (toilet, pot) things are starting to look up!


casek: Take 2 "lemon - ginger - echinacea" juices by Knudsens and call me in the morning. (the clean through, kick loose and kick out)


*edit* how do you spell echinacea?

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I might as well have just shot this fuckin' alcohol into my veins......I'm loaded.....but I'm back.........for you "old School" 12 junkies out there......455 will ring a bell.......hahahaha....I'll be thinkin' of ya when I pass out.....and that's right about now.....see ya....lol..



well.....maybe not.

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