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3 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:


I mean, i'll make someone gargle their teeth + blood for calling me that.  I don't think it's a great thing to do.  People should stop calling eachother names period.  Like nigger.  Everyone should just leave that shit out of their vocabulary unless they're a racist piece of shit.  Yet, you have people using it freely and then crying that others are racist for xyz reason.




Yes that includes black people's nonchalant racism towards eachother that is predominant in low income areas.

If you use the n word, you're just a stupid dipshit.  I'll take that to the bank.  I don't give a flying fuck what color you are, you're a piece of shit.



Somewhat agree that people should drop the word.  At the same time, you're posting that on 12oz, home of wonksaggin and numerous people over the years who believe they're free to say the N word or that they have a pass to do so.  It's a conversation that this site has historically been unable to handle.  


Somewhat funny related anecdote.  When the Oontz was still in its early years plenty of whiteys from my state were pretty open about their use of the word and its related derivatives.  Dumb too since one of the older crews was mainly black and some of the N word users were down with them and would never say that shit in front of them.  Anyhow my SN wasn't known to anyone and after a round of N words from people I posted a comment something along the lines of I bet you wouldn't say that shit if a black dude was standing in front of you.  Thread immediately ground to a halt, radio silence, gave me the sense that these dudes were suddenly mad uncomfortable with their casual racism and the possiblity that they might get checked IRL for it.

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What really interests me w/ the N word is there really isn't another word like it.  Like people try to claim ownership of it and make a rule that one race can use it and all others can not.  I don't think anyone necessarily owns language unless you've maybe trademarked a term or something and even then it would be difficult to stop people from using it.  I'm hard pressed to find another word in any language where only one group can use that word at the exclusion of all other groups.  It just doesn't work.



Word has really evolved in who can supposedly use it though.  Used to be black and Spanish.  Nothing like walking through Bklyn though and hearing a bunch of Egyptian born kids trying to emulate American culture by calling themselves niggas smh.

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21 minutes ago, ndv said:

I wanna buy a bike.  Never had any riding experience.  Thinking used 750 crotchcrocket. 

I got a homie that can hook it up. He owns a bike shop and people bring him their bikes for work all the time. The work always costs more than the bikes are worth. They just sign over their bikes left and right. The last time I saw him he had like 30 or 40 bikes he doesnt know what to do with.

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@One Man Banned- IMO it's a word that's full of venom.  I mean, how many times in life have you or I personally witnessed someone campaign for their asswhoopin with their misplaced free speech?  It doesn't matter if it's the N word, or calling someone a pussy, or w/e.... to me it's an invitation to fight.


Speaking of when keeping it real goes wrong:



This is a really good Austin, TX bar fight youtube channel.  I think I've watched most of them, but this is typical down here now and it didn't used to be like this.  I wonder what happens if you go downtown here where people are drunk and start calling pussies.  Evidence of how well it works out riddled all through the channel.


Just looking at someone sideways is enough for drunk people.

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48 minutes ago, ndv said:

I wanna buy a bike.  Never had any riding experience.  Thinking used 750 crotchcrocket. 


Slow down there Lee Harvey.


I would recommend against that idea.


If you want a bike, and to learn to do bike things..... buy yourself a used 2 stroke dirt bike in the 125cc+ range.


Riding a sports bike as a first riding experience is a recipe for disaster IMO.  It's not that you can't get there but I say it commands a different respect and it's a skill based thing, not like driving a car at all.  Don't rush to failure on this because failure is many times fatal.


Dirt bike is much safer way to learn to ride if you want to learn 2 wheel vehicles.... then graduate to riding around the idiots in their cars.

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35 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

@One Man Banned- IMO it's a word that's full of venom.  I mean, how many times in life have you or I personally witnessed someone campaign for their asswhoopin with their misplaced free speech?  It doesn't matter if it's the N word, or calling someone a pussy, or w/e.... to me it's an invitation to fight.


It's a hateful word and its existence as such is too long to take back and reclaim the word as some have done w/ other derogatory words, IMO.


Going to disagree w/ you about pussy.  It might be a reason to fight depending on situation and context but I'm not going to get all up in arms about it either.  Personally I feel there are times where you've already beaten someone before shit even got started, or maybe they're self-defeated.  Either way, I'll let someone jabber jaw a little if they're not really going to do shit or if it makes them feel good to have the last word.  I'm also aware that there are times where someone is going to try to bait you in with something like that because they know they're going to get a reaction out of you and maybe they got something up their sleeve for you in return.  Can't jump at everything over name calling.



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Bar fights are hard to watch bc they’re always so sloppy. Most of that anger comes from people who never have the opportunity to test themselves and they need a few drinks to have the balls to see what they’re capable of. 99.9% of the time... it’s not much. I do like egging on fights when they start though. It’s good entertainment for the cig smokers.

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Antagonizing fights in high school was a hobby of mine. 


Saying "bet you won't hit him though!" from somewhere in the middle of the crowd is funny.  😄


@One Man Banned- i understand what you mean and I agree with you.  It's not always an invitation to fight but I also feel like the people I tend to surround myself with don't talk like that in general, let alone to eachother or other people they don't know.


It's a weird thing to be into.  Name calling.

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Also, I think you have to put yourself in a certain situation to be called a pussy by anyone anyway.  It's not like people just go around calling people pussy for no reason unless they have some cognitive disability.


And, it's not like people just go around doing things that would attract such name calling either.... so really it takes two to tango in my mind.... and I typically avoid all of it.


I've suggest to my friends to not be a snacky cake before.... but probably wouldn't call them a pussy.

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I've seen you throw out an opinion on something and finish it with something like anyone who thinks different is a pussy.  Kind of baiting anyone else on the forum who may have a different opinion from you.  How you like those apples?


Not a lot of time to respond to stuff today but I'm not sure what's wrong with name calling or insults.  Sometimes it's appropriate, especially if you've been slighted and have already tried a more civil approach.  Also hard to send a knuckle sandwich over the interwebz so sometimes you have to tell someone they're a bitch and leave it at that, no?  I also appreciate humor and there's some damn good insult humor out there that I do enjoy.


Dhabz I bet you're a TX gentleman.  If a man sasses you it's a slap in the mouth with your glove and then pistols at 50 paces. 

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23 minutes ago, nicklesndimes said:

welp. just watched the video on reddit of the guy who shot his neighbors over a snow removal related disagreement. i gotta say, watch at your own risk if you do....it made me feel pretty sick tbh, it is unedited security video of a man somewhere between central and northeast pennsylvania coming unhinged and killing two people at point blank range in the street.


my day is now fucked, i feel terrible for watching such a thing. but like a bad car crash.....you can't help but stare sometimes.

His last words to them were “should have kept your mouth shut” so true lol

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2 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

welp. just watched the video on reddit of the guy who shot his neighbors over a snow removal related disagreement. i gotta say, watch at your own risk if you do....it made me feel pretty sick tbh, it is unedited security video of a man somewhere between central and northeast pennsylvania coming unhinged and killing two people at point blank range in the street.


my day is now fucked, i feel terrible for watching such a thing. but like a bad car crash.....you can't help but stare sometimes.


i started to watch but stopped after the shooting began and after it was clear what kind of a person he was. cold blooded evil shit 

Edited by Elena Delle Donne
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 then he killed himself to avoid the consequences of his actions.


random thought:  there's a different freedom in not having to worry about your neighbour filling you with lead because he's having a bad day and your snow is too close to his house.


Might not tingle the nutsack like the freedom to rain hellfire on your neighbours but still a good freedom to have nonetheless.





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55 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:


 then he killed himself to avoid the consequences of his actions.


random thought:  there's a different freedom in not having to worry about your neighbour filling you with lead because he's having a bad day and your snow is too close to his house.


Might not tingle the nutsack like the freedom to rain hellfire on your neighbours but still a good freedom to have nonetheless.





Lucky it doesn’t snow in Australia cause you criminals would be fighting esp before you got let them take yurr guns 

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