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Acer... Portland. We have a full calendar of racing through all disciplines. We're pretty damn lucky.


Hey Rubbish, have you seen this? -

- I don't know who it is but it's someone from Portland. Shit is pretty funny. They nailed the fixie guy perfectly... there's not a lot of kids who look like that here but they're multiplying fairly quickly.


Some of my team mates and I have been talking about doing the 3/4 race at least on the last PIR of the season.

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Acer... Portland. We have a full calendar of racing through all disciplines. We're pretty damn lucky.


Hey Rubbish, have you seen this? -

- I don't know who it is but it's someone from Portland. Shit is pretty funny. They nailed the fixie guy perfectly... there's not a lot of kids who look like that here but they're multiplying fairly quickly.


Some of my team mates and I have been talking about doing the 3/4 race at least on the last PIR of the season.


Yeah I saw that. Pretty good video... it's funny how they show the hipster riding with those stupid 6 inch wide flats haha. Worst "trend" ever...


I'm planning on just finishing the rest of the month out with PIR and track Thursdays/one more Fast Twitch Friday. Then it'll be time to put the cross tires on and try that stage race in Eugene. Still on the fence about Eugene Celebration race, and still not feeling PIR going counter-clockwise but I'm getting used to it... clockwise is definitely more fun IMO, even with a headwind in the finish.


I think I'm gonna try to upgrade to 3's now.

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whats with kids obsessions with brass knuckles who never get in fights?


Dude... as long as you look like you enjoy fighting and you look like a messenger and you drink lots of PBR, who cares?


Yeah I saw that. Pretty good video... it's funny how they show the hipster riding with those stupid 6 inch wide flats haha. Worst "trend" ever...


I think I'm gonna try to upgrade to 3's now.


Yeah, what I love about the six inch bars is that guys ride that shit here... where we have bike lanes everywhere and dedicated cycling streets. Even on busy roads like Broadway there's a bike lane, so there's no need to whip in and out of traffic like you would in any other big major city. It really makes no sense. Not to mention you can get so much more leverage and torque with a wider bar... but I guess its all about style points with these lovelies.


Upgrade, you'll be glad you did when the new season starts. I'm sure Kenji will be more than happy to let you. Just don't beat me in any race next year... young whipper snapper.

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Dude... as long as you look like you enjoy fighting and you look like a messenger and you drink lots of PBR, who cares?




Yeah, what I love about the six inch bars is that guys ride that shit here... where we have bike lanes everywhere and dedicated cycling streets. Even on busy roads like Broadway there's a bike lane, so there's no need to whip in and out of traffic like you would in any other big major city. It really makes no sense. Not to mention you can get so much more leverage and torque with a wider bar... but I guess its all about style points with these lovelies.


Upgrade, you'll be glad you did when the new season starts. I'm sure Kenji will be more than happy to let you. Just don't beat me in any race next year... young whipper snapper.


The real downside IMO is getting your bars through a gap that your hips and shoulders can't clear.


Yo Kenji gave me the clear for upgrading! So now I got 3 on track and road. Definitely more motivation to train consistently through the winter so I'm good for those early road races next season...


Don't worry about me on the road too much, at least not yet. Track is still my favorite. Nothing like skipping all the foreplay and jumping immediately into the fun, even if I've been getting my ass handed to me in the 1/2/3 stuff out there.

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So today I found a road bike on the side of the road and took it on my way to work. After work I got home and went to work figuring out what was up and why it wouldnt work.


I took the back wheel off (quick release lever) and pulled it out of the drop outs and the gear cluster spilled out. 5 gears on the back. 3 (the larger) seperate, that slide onto splines, and 2 (the smaller) that are fused together and thread on the end. I tightened it down as much as possible, then took it a little farther with a rubber mallet. It keeps coming unthreaded though as i pedal around my driveway. Not when I pedal forward, but when i backpedal it loosens it up.


Now, its an older bike. Giante is the maker. Found it spray painted silver. I took some of the silver off with steel wool and it revealed giante stickers and one says hosteler so I figure thats the model. Its about 57 or 58mm top tube so I think thats a close fit for me (im 6'1"). I want to keep this bike because ive always wanted a road bike but never had the money and like fixing stuff for myself.


Does anyone have any clue what Im talking about or even know what to do? I dont know much about road bikes. Thanks.


Edit: Can deliver pictures if it will help.

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