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what a tired discussion… or back and forth for that matter.

everyone do what they want to do, and nobody intentionally door any cyclists along the way.



in other news…

racing season has been progressing well and i've got some of my A races quickly approaching.

feeling strong -- should be fun.


after that, i'm ready for a solid break from the ride-to-be-fast routine.

got a touring rig setup, decided to run an old bike i have (for now) which is closer to road race geometry than touring specific, but it'll fit some 28c gatorskins.

installed a rack, panniers, got some new camping gear - now all that's left is to kick rocks.

eventually i'm going to pick up a steel frame/fork for the cause - likely a surly crosscheck.




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your better off getting the best deals you can find on various sites and piecing a bike together.




I started with a frame like the above and built from there, saved a ton rather then the local shop or one "complete" site.


also for the flats, I bought some gator skins after i got fed up with flats on my road bike

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deep v rims?


youll find that is easier to shop where the deals are at...and pick up what you can while its cheap..


bikeisland is where i got my frame.


ebay is usually where i score parts, i have picked up a bunch of stuff from a ebay store called wheelandsprocket.


fuck flats, since i switched to vittoria rando's i havent really had a problem with em.

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your better off getting the best deals you can find on various sites and piecing a bike together.




I started with a frame like the above and built from there, saved a ton rather then the local shop or one "complete" site.


also for the flats, I bought some gator skins after i got fed up with flats on my road bike


todays flat was with a week old gatorskin. yesterdays flat was my fault, pumped way too much air into my cruiser that maxs out at 60 psi. sounded like a shotgun.

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Got a slow leak on my Evo Corsa in Saturday's road race (1 mile gravel section so no surprise there). Fortunately it happened while warming up... so I just swapped for a neutral wheel and raced as usual. Either way, Vittoria's Evo Corsa CX is one of the most buttery smooth tires ever but they get cuts like emo kids...


Collegiate National Championships are this week! Wish me luck. Flying to Madison to race the biggest road race and crit of my life. 72 miles with 8000 ft. of elevation gain in the RR, 75 minutes in the crit.

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your better off getting the best deals you can find on various sites and piecing a bike together.




I started with a frame like the above and built from there, saved a ton rather then the local shop or one "complete" site.


also for the flats, I bought some gator skins after i got fed up with flats on my road bike


im looking into building a single speed with a buddy and im thinking about getting this frame. not sure if the track geometry is for me. probably just be riding it around the city, working my way up to maybe 20 mile rides tops. dont want gears, will be building with the intention of riding it single speed with a front brake but will probably put a flip flop hub on it just because. if anyone has anything contructive, id love to hear it.

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Rubbish... hope the race goes well!

Count... sounds like racing season is treating you well! Good luck in those A races!!


Myself... been traveling for work or for art shows since the beginning of March and have not ridden the bike hardly at all. I rode for a few weeks in March and then the last week in March I hung it up and it's been sitting there ever since. I'm home for a few days and then back on the road till Saturday... then I'm home for good. No more travel. I can finally start my training. I've been steady in the gym, which is great for strength but I have no base miles in the legs, really. So I'll be starting from scratch... which should have me ready by CX season!!

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im looking into building a single speed with a buddy and im thinking about getting this frame. not sure if the track geometry is for me. probably just be riding it around the city, working my way up to maybe 20 mile rides tops. dont want gears, will be building with the intention of riding it single speed with a front brake but will probably put a flip flop hub on it just because. if anyone has anything contructive, id love to hear it.


i ride one.


its great for just what you describe, i ride it around the city and do bike party etc


mostly fixed but i have a flip flop for the occasional long ride/heavy traffic


besides the deep v's I outfitted most of my parts here:




its pricey, but its my local shop and the dude is good people


btw the frame takes a minute to get used to, but im 6'4" and 280lbs and its been solid

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(repost from a friend's fbook)


Help Jeff, Win Bike


My very close friend Jeff Bates has a terrible case of skin cancer. Some friends and I put together a drawing for a custom Pereira SS 29er. The bike is complete with top-shelf components donated by our friends at Chris King, Enve, Shimano, Continental and SRAM. Winner also gets round trip airfare to Portland (from anywhere in the conti US) to meet with me for design consult, two dinners at great local restaurants (including Screen Door) and hotel accommodations. I'm wondering if you all can help me get the word out. Maybe on your blog? On your twitter or facebook page? Money raised will go to Jeff and his family to help take care of medical costs and reduce stress so that he can heal. More info here:




I've attached a flier that you can post anywhere you see fit.


I met Jeff working at Wild Rose bike shop in Salt Lake City. We have been riding buddies for years--he absolutely rips on a mountain bike. Jeff helped me get my business started, riding and racing the 2nd (and 23rd and 83rd) bikes that I built, encouraging me to pursue my passion and live my dream. He also introduced me to the woman who is now my wife. Jeff is the best kind of people you would ever want to know and deserves our help. Please do whatever you can to spread the word.





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