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This contest will run all week until Friday - July 15th, 2011 .. 6 p.m. EST


Click on any advertiser(non-12oz. paint shop ad) check out what the advertiser has to offer and while you are there

Take a screen grab on any page within the advertisers site and get 2 free weeks.

Each screen grab has to be from a different advertiser per day, you can only submit 2 screen grab ads per day, giving you 1 free month a day you participate. Thats 4 months if you send in 2 submissions a day until Friday.



Send me your screen grabs via Private message, we will update your account nightly. Please make sure you submit correctly, we will not reply back to submissions that are wrong.


DON'T send us your old screen shots from previous contests. We have them saved and will reference back to avoid schemers. We also know what ads are running, some have ended and some new ones have been dropped into rotation....




This contest will run all week until Friday - July 15th, 2011 .. 6 p.m. EST




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PhiberOptix at 2011-06-21 06:37 CET:

druid513: Maybe I was goint to buy a ticket to watch this but you just ruined that for me?


druid513 at 2011-06-21 12:48 CET:

PhiberOptix Thanks for informing me that, I can definitely sleep better tonight.


dherling9983 at 2011-06-22 07:55 CET:

druid ur a douche bag just stfu


druid513 at 2011-06-22 16:04 CET:

dherling9983, we r the world, we r the children, we r the one who will make a brighter day so lets start giving,....


godfather0287 at 2011-06-23 02:44 CET:

your all a bunch of fucking assholes u no y...cause u aint got the guts to be wat u wanna be ...........il bury u fucking cockaroaches..........


ROBBIN187 at 2011-06-23 09:39 CET:

Crazy when they get into the cave and the giant alien looks exactly like cloverfield and the one kid dies, awe thats sad, its too bad the alien gets away at the end and makes you seem kije there is going to be a part 2. And there is more of them coming.


Kalyn22 at 2011-06-23 14:33 CET:

I didn't think the copy of the movie was as good as people are saying it is. The dark parts you could barly see, and when they show the monster it's always a dark sceen so you never get to see the monster. Also this guy chewing popcorn, it isn't just a little annoyance, it goes on throughout the whole movie! And it's loud! Basically this copy of the movie is not worth watching the movie; what I saw of it, was great, and it deserves to be watched were you can actually see whats going on, and hear it too! I'm sorry but I didn't like this rip.





tomoxicillin at 2011-06-24 23:24 CET:

wow what a piece of crap movie. its like stand by me but with an alien once in awhile. nothing but a bunch of kids running around going what do we do what do we do and you see glimpses of what might be an alien like 3 times during the movie. then at end of film you get to see the alien and wow it looks just like the creatures from that remake of the time machine movie real original hollywood. if you insist on watching this pile of crap fast forward to the train crash watch that 5 min part then fast forward to the last 5 mins. the rest of the movie is just a bunch of kids and unrealistic military men running around and talking.


trueblu8 at 2011-06-25 10:01 CET:

Awesome movie. Reminded me of E.T. and the Goonies.


A - 8

V - 8


You can read some of the yahoo reviews here.



janrik at 2011-06-25 15:26 CET:

trueblu8 how in hell can you give it v8 a8 lolololo


its v1 a2


Quarr at 2011-07-01 05:09 CET:

The copy is what you expect from a crappy movie theater rip. The BIGGEST PROBLEM is the IDIOT WHO RECORDED THIS. He is eating POPCORN through the whole fucking MOVIE it RUINS IT. DOn't download, Waste of time. Movie wasn't very good anyways.


Quarr at 2011-07-01 05:21 CET:



400382d at 2011-07-01 11:44 CET:

LOL at the hate druid got.


GJ man. feed those trolls. Moar!


anyways i'll check it out, thanx to the Upper. Cheers mate


stuckonthiswretchedplanet at 2011-07-02 04:43 CET:

While I was thinking about movies that don't suck I decided to watch Stephen kings the lawnmower man, great movie! Now I don't own the sequel nor can i find it in the store . Every torrent that I have managed to find is copy's of the same 2 . one is in Italian and English playing at the same time , the other is missing the 1st 11 minutes. Could some1 find it in there heart to locate this fine sequel and upload it so that ever1 can see it ? and on another note if you haven't seen the lawnmower man, its a must see from 1992 ! plz some1 upload lawnmower man 2: Jobe's War or Lawnmower man 2 : Beyond Cyberspace .!!!!!!!


mrsalmon at 2011-07-03 01:59 CET:

There's a guy eating popcorn?


RAD! DLing now


hater1982 at 2011-07-05 19:54 CET:

Im eating popcorn while reading these comments lol


iamhelix at 2011-07-06 14:16 CET:

i can't believe you dickheads and your "how do i play this?" or "don't download, it doesn't work"


WTF. if you dont know you shouldn't be downlaoding torrents to begin with, go back to your video shop and your dvd player!


If you don't know what the fuck you are talking about don't be giving other people advice.


tanzla81 at 2011-07-06 22:43 CET:

druid ur more like mongoloid sheep like ur pa


magooze760 at 2011-07-10 17:03 CET:

TPB and its endless quarrels of random people for whom no one really cares. Its sad yet comical in a weird way. oppinions mean little to nothing anyways except to the ego. The movie is made for young people so there is probably a reason you thought it was stupid but for some 13 years old kid, its probably going to be one of the best movies of the year.












oh piratebay...you never cease to amuse me in the comments of your torrents

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Platypus skeleton


The platypus and other monotremes were very poorly understood and some of the 19th century myths that grew up around them—for example, that the monotremes were "inferior" or quasi-reptilian—still endure.[56] In 1947, William King Gregory theorised that placental mammals and marsupials may have diverged earlier and a subsequent branching divided the monotremes and marsupials, but later research and fossil discoveries have suggested this is incorrect.[56][57] In fact, modern monotremes are the survivors of an early branching of the mammal tree, and a later branching is thought to have led to the marsupial and placental groups.[56][58] Molecular clock and fossil dating suggest platypuses split from echidnas around 19–48 million years ago.[59]
















live birth






true placenta






Evolutionary relationships between the platypus and other mammals.[60]


The oldest discovered fossil of the modern platypus dates back to about 100,000 years ago, during the Quaternary period. The extinct monotremes Teinolophos and Steropodon were closely related to the modern platypus.[57] The fossilised Steropodon was discovered in New South Wales and is composed of an opalised lower jawbone with three molar teeth (whereas the adult contemporary platypus is toothless). The molar teeth were initially thought to be tribosphenic, which would have supported a variation of Gregory's theory, but later research has suggested that, while they have three cusps, they evolved under a separate process.[20] The fossil is thought to be about 110 million years old, which means that the platypus-like animal was alive during the Cretaceous period, making it the oldest mammal fossil found in Australia. Monotrematum sudamericanum, another fossil relative of the platypus, has been found in Argentina, indicating that monotremes were present in the supercontinent of Gondwana when the continents of South America and Australia were joined via Antarctica (up to about 167 million years ago).[20][61]


Because of the early divergence from the therian mammals and the low numbers of extant monotreme species, the platypus is a frequent subject of research in evolutionary biology. In 2004, researchers at the Australian National University discovered the platypus has ten sex chromosomes, compared with two (XY) in most other mammals (for instance, a male platypus is always XYXYXYXYXY),[62] although, given the XY designation of mammals, the sex chromosomes of the platypus are more similar to the ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes found in birds.[63] The platypus genome also has both reptilian and mammalian genes associated with egg fertilisation.[64] Since the platypus lacks the mammalian sex-determining gene SRY, the mechanism of sex determination remains unknown.[65] A draft version of the platypus genome sequence was published in Nature on 8 May 2008, revealing both reptilian and mammalian elements, as well as two genes found previously only in birds, amphibians, and fish. More than 80% of the platypus' genes are common to the other mammals whose genomes have been sequenced.[64]

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