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i bet in that old mans prime he could have beat your ass

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i bet in that old mans prime he could have beat your ass


no doubt


A 110-year-old West Australian man believed to be the world's last surviving WWI combat veteran hated war and only marched in Anzac Day parades when he was ordered to, says his son.


Claude Choules is celebrating his 110th birthday with family and friends in Perth on Thursday.


He's the last known male survivor of more than 70 million military personnel during WWI, after American veteran Frank Buckles passed away on Sunday also aged 110.





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back then was great.

if a girl was hot, she was hot.

if a girl was ok, she was ok.

if a girl was ugly she was ugly.

and girls back then knew their place was to make their man happy with lots of food, sex, bj's, and a clean house.

but now... girls can easily trick you with photo shop, and tons of make up, and using camera angles to only catch their ok side.. and photo shop it up to make them look good..


and like that photo shows... back then there were no hipsters ruining everything.

hipsters back then were homos, and they got beat up..

real men... and if people had beef they handled it.. mono y mono.. fisticuffs

they didn't talk shit and act hard via written letter :lol: and when it came time to throw down they didn't back down and say sorry like a lot of hipster wanna be hard kids.

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back then was great.

if a girl was hot, she was hot.

if a girl was ok, she was ok.

if a girl was ugly she was ugly.

and girls back then knew their place was to make their man happy with lots of food, sex, bj's, and a clean house.

but now... girls can easily trick you with photo shop, and tons of make up, and using camera angles to only catch their ok side.. and photo shop it up to make them look good..


and like that photo shows... back then there were no hipsters ruining everything.

hipsters back then were homos, and they got beat up..

real men... and if people had beef they handled it.. mono y mono.. fisticuffs

they didn't talk shit and act hard via written letter :lol: and when it came time to throw down they didn't back down and say sorry like a lot of hipster wanna be hard kids.




people had real problems then

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There are so many funny things about that picture it's hard to pick something witty to say...between the goth sibling in the wheelchair (I'm guessing she dresses like that regardless), the apparent tattoos on the mom's tits, and the fact that the dude dressed like a centaur is wearing the role playing game equivalent of a stripper's garter belt...fuck...

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