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The Nonsense thread


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You ol anorexic Jay-Z lookin ass nigga, lookin like Jay-Z with AIDS. Ol R. Kelly trapped in the closet chapter 23 lookin ass nigga. Ron Artest head shape ass nigga. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 gunnery sergeant lookin ass nigga. You ol gay ass nigga. You the type of nigga to be in the club with a pair of leather Nicki Minaj leggings on with a bulletproof G-Unit vest meanmuggin niggas drinkin a pink lemonade martini smokin Virginia Slims.


This ol Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg ass nigga. This nigga tried to start an R&B group with the Ambalamps nigga on the bus that got his ass beat, rockin spandex biker shorts with a Bobby Brown gumby. This nigga momma got a phone sex voice like Charles Barkley. This nigga momma got a Howie Mandell goatee at the club up on niggas talkin bout "deal or no deal". That bitch held Emmit Smith to 17 rushing yards in a game.

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This nigga rockin basketball shorts with a powder blue "I Am A Motherfucker" shirt on with a dirty beard with food crumbs lookin like Paul Bunyan on work release havin PTSD Vietnam flashbacks with a AC Slater fanny pack carrying a woman's tote bag talkin bout "I gotta go to a funeral".






This nigga in the back of the bus rockin shades and a dirty lumberjack flannel with untightened cornrows lookin like a senile Coolio with a 3-day old chicken wing in his pocket and got a bloody nose still talkin shit talkin bout "bring me Adam Lambert"

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When a curio-collecting Professor returns from South America with a mysterious Piranha idol, it casts an ominous curse on his innocent Chihuahua "Lulu Bell", and impregnates her with a litter of amphibious, mutant Chihuahua-Piranhas. Realizing his grave mistake, the Professor disposes of the idol and pups in a nearby mountain lake, but Lulu's monstrous spawn soon return to repay the gesture…[an] eccentric team unites to survive and destroy the vicious rat-pack with available firepower, their bare hands and the most lethal of all processed cheese products!

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Authorities in a Christian-majority state in India's remote northeast have confiscated all copies of a school textbook that carried a picture of Jesus Christ holding a can of beer and a cigarette, an official said Saturday.


The primary school textbook, which teaches cursive handwriting, used the picture of Jesus on the page for the letter 'I' — to represent Idol.


Ampareen Lyngdoh, education minister of Meghalaya state, strongly criticized the illustration.


"I am appalled and condemn the violent pictorial presentation of Christ. The children for whom the textbook was meant look up to Christ with reverence, and they are shocked beyond words," Lyngdoh said.


The government has seized all copies of the textbook from schools and bookshops in Meghalaya for offending public sentiment, she said.


The book, published by a New Delhi-based company that specializes in textbooks, was being used by a chain of privately run primary schools in Meghalaya.


More than 70 percent of the state's 2.32 million people are Christian.


Copies of the textbook were ready for distribution in at least 10 more schools in Meghalaya before the picture was brought to the notice of authorities.


"We have directed the district magistrate to go ahead with legal proceedings against the publisher," Lyngdoh said. She did not say what legal proceedings the government planned to pursue.


Christians leaders in Meghalaya were outraged by the book and called on federal Education Minister Kapil Sibal to take action against the publisher.


"We are shocked to say the least. How can anyone think of publishing such a picture?" said Dominic Jala, the archbishop of Shillong, the state capital.


"This has been done deliberately with malicious intent," Jala said.


In New Delhi, a spokesman for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India said it had ordered Christian schools across the country to remove all textbooks published by the company.


"We have taken a strong stand and decided to boycott the publisher," said CBCI spokesman Babu Joseph.


In 2006, the government in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh banned a school textbook that carried portraits of the Prophet Muhammad and arrested the publisher after Muslim leaders protested. Islam generally does not allow depictions of Muhammad. The case against the publisher is still in court.


Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/02/20/international/i044852S02.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz0g6PYKWfD

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