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6,000 copies of Call of Duty: MW3 video game stolen from hijacked truck


The uproar over the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 video game just got crazier. Just look at the long lines in front of video game retailer Game stop, the trending topic on twitter, and the news of a truck hijacking and robbery in France.


From DVice:


How coveted is Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3? Enough for thieves to hijack a delivery truck loaded with 6,000 copies of the game, tear gas the inside of the truck and disable the innocent drivers. Man, Modern Warfare 3 is going to be huge when it launches tomorrow.

UltimatePS3.fr reports that the robbery happened on Saturday morning in south Paris’s Créteil and was performed by two masked thieves.


The total value of the the 6,000 copies of Modern Warfare 3 is reported to be worth about 400,000 Euros. There has yet to be any report on what platform the stolen copies of Modern Warfare 3 were for. They could have been for PS3, or Xbox 360 or both.

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Digital Stegonography is used to hide a message, normally in a larger message, which is unknown to others. Stegonography attempts to hide the existence of the message but does not make the information unintelligible. Digital Stegonography has a “carrier” for the message and key. The “carrier” can be a digital image, TCIP/IP or a MP3. A code can be used to decode the hidden message.


Digital Stegonographic focuses on the data that is replicated, however, these hidden messages do not cause noticeable changes. This is used in graphic files, which contain a number of things. HTML, video, sound files and text files are all examples. The most widely known “stego-image” is the image files. Digital Stegonographic can also be used for people being censored. This information can be found in military, government and even law enforcement




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A father trying hard to 'fit-in' in his Û ÛÛÛÛ

°° ÛÛÛ Son's badass world- A son ... is trying ÛÛÛÛ °

°°ÛÛ hard to 'dude-up' his dad from 'aiiiyyyo' °° ÛÛÛ °

°°Û to 'YO!' And a mother lost in translation ÛÛÛÛ °

° Û between her husband's 'ingeva' and her ÛÛÛß þ°

°ÜÛ son's 'Inn'it!'While Shekhar was trying °ÛÛß Üß° °

ÛÛÛþ ° every trick in the book to woo his son, ÞÛÛ ÜÛ

° ÛÛÛÛ get 'dude-ified' and 'up his coolness ÛÝ ÛÛ ° °

° °°°° ÛÛ quotient' his son had given up on him... ° ÛÛÛ ° °°

° °° Ü ÛÛ Just when the father-son duo hit a ° ÛÛÛ°° °°

°°°° ²Ûß deadlock- Shekhar strikes gold when he ° ÛÛÛ°°°°°

° ܲÛß designs one hell of a game.Finally it all ° Û ÛÛ °°°

° ßÜßÛÛ ß starts falling in place......as the family ° ÛÛ Û °°

ßÜßÛÛ ß comes together......only to find themselves °° Û ÛÛ °

ÜÛÛÛß þ in the middle of a crash......not just a °° Û ÛÛ °

²ÛÛß Üß hard drive crash but a crash that would ° Û ÛÛ °

Û² ÜÛ drive them to a disaster and make their °Û ÛÛ °

Ý ÛÛ ° lives go - KABOOM!!! ÛÛÛÛß þ°°





haha holy shit i have to watch this

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