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The Nonsense thread


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Originally posted by CinchedWaist

slow your row, casek jr.

i have something for you at home...

you'll get it one day.

it is sooo kewl.


i've got something for you, as well. rock city! isn't that where you wanted to go? maybe it was ruby falls? can't recall...picked up a couple of the brochures and had 'em laying around.

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I've decided if I don't get fired next week I'm going to ask for a schedule change or put in my 2 weeks. This is bullshit, I can't sleep, I have to be at work at 6 on saturday AND sunday. One or the other would be fine, but don't give me all the fucked up shifts. Thats dirty, I know I'm new and all that but fuck give me a break, its not worth it for the 3 days a week I work to have them all be the shittiest shifts possible. There are 4 shifts out of an 8 hour week that I don't want to work and he gives me two of them. Fuck this. Monday-Friday at 6, fine. Saturday OR Sunday at 6 great but fucking wednesdays from 2-10 and Saturday AND sunday at 6 int he fucking morning. Fuck you. I'm actually probably gonna get in trouble on wednesday when he comes in and sees that I fucked up some of the tapes so if he so much as raises his voice at me I'm gonna fucking storm out. I cant take this shit. It blows my whole weekend. I spend friday night trying like an idiot to fall asleep before 3 AM and then I'm fucking tired so I have to sleep all day saturday cause I slept at most an hour friday night, then by the time I get off sunday everything is done for the weekend. Fuck this, back to making my money the fast way...

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