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  1. I love the black Vans... Nice Work...
  2. Hey why are you guys hating on my piece?
  3. I like this... "Check it, you really have no case." Sounds like wise advice to me, and he's so sure of it. He doesn't even have to qualify it with "I'm not a lawyer." He just comes out and says "Check it, I did the research, I had my paralegal look a couple things up and as it turns out, you're really out of luck bub..." Fucking rock on neater, rock on...
  4. I wouldn't sweat the court, you didn't catch the tag, you didn't have a marker that matched the tag.
  5. If you want to use single point perspective 3-D what you should do is draw a point of perspective. Usually this is a point below the letters where you would like all of the 3-d's to connect up. Then draw a line from each point on your letter to that dot. Once you've done this you can shorten the 3-D's by drawing an arc under the letters where you want the 3-D's to end.
  6. Thats the old Comet wall on capital hill Quoted post [/b] Yes, that is, it gets gone over every 4 weeks with regularity... makes for pretty pitchers tho...
  7. Suing and individual kid is different from suing a bar. They lawyer will have to argue that they were still in the course of their duties for the bar when they attacked you. There's no money in suing individuals, and most lawyers won't or rarely ever go after individual defendant's for large sums anyway. On the other hand, I could see this as an exception to that rule even if the bar gets out of it...
  8. In US I'm not positive but I think there is a civil claim along the lines of wrongful detention or something for holding you. They're going to claim they thought you did it and were holding you till the cops get there. I'm pretty sure that they would have to have something better than a "suspicion" that you hit up the bathroom to make that defense stick. I don't know for sure. Also, they threw you against the wall and tackled you. Even if you're engaged in a citizens arrest, you can't use that type of force from my understanding. You'll probably have a decent action in battery. You could also ask that the prosecutor press charges, but that probably won't happen... I think a lot of lawyers would be willing to take this on a contingency fee. Meaning you give them around 30-40% of what you win. By the way, I disclaim all of the above statments as follows: I am not a lawyer, I am not close to being a lawyer, I am not affiliated in any way with any legal organization, law firm, etc. The only experience I have with the law is from a few books I've read and that one time I got picked up for soliciting a Vietnamese Masseuse to join me in a game of ping-pong. Thank you... Milton (Chopped Liver Oner!)
  9. I don't really know all of the information or whatever. You should try to get a lawyer to pick the criminal case up pro bono or for a minimal fee. Public defenders aren't, as a class, bad. They want to win just as much as the next guy. The problem is that they're severly over-booked at times and so they try to get you to make a guilty plea for a bargain. The best would be to get a pro-bono lawyer though. With respect to the potential civil suit against the club and the bouncers, you should look for a lawyer that does "contingency fee" work. Just call around. It seems like you have a good enough chance of winning that somebody will pick you up. Otherwise it doesn't cost you anything to talk to them... Good Luck...
  10. What I meant to say is: If your neck actually hurts, tell the doctor that. I would never tell you to make anything up. That would be unethical...
  11. Just had this discussion yesterday with a friend. Bouncers are private citizens hired by the bar. This means that inside the premises they have the right to ask you to leave and if you do not comply, to forcibly remove you. In general this is all they can do to you. As soon as they are outside of the bar and you have been removed, and are not threatening to return, they have no rights above anything a normal citizen would have. (ie they can't beat you up, hold you down, etc.) What this means for you: 1) Don't say shit to anyone until you have a lawyer. This can either be a public defender, which they are required to give you or a lawyer you hire. 2) If it wasn't you there is a good chance that they don't have any evidence besides "I saw this guy in the bar, there was a tag in the bathroom, I think it was him." This shit will probably either get dropped by the prosecutor or dismissed by the judge. Note: Read number (1) again. 3) Because the door guys from the bar attacked you on the steet, you may have a civil suit. I'm not clear how this would work out, but again, talk to a lawyer, a lot of people do pro bono shit. Look around for it. Also, if your friend was stabbed/ thrown in front of a car he has a good chance of a legitimate suit. 4) They'll probably argue that you were fleeing the scene of a crime. If you were leaving the bar for your car its unlikely that this excuse will hold up. 5) Talk to a lawyer, and remember Number 1. Edit: What Seeking said (in reference to bouncers, not Israel) is right. They have no right to assault you. It may cost money to sue the bar, but believe me, if it is a successful business, the money you'll get from a Battery claim, is likely more than the lawyer will cost you. After all it's an intentional tort which carries Punitive damages as well as pain and suffering. Go to a doctor and say your neck hurts...
  12. Hey, anybody wanna get dressed up and go to Tabella's tomorrow night? It's Asian night!
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