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sad to hear that Jade passed away...


couple times in the last few weeks I felt like drinking, dealing with that I feel like it comes from being angry.



I have been training BJJ for the last month, it really does a lot to be active and push your body with healthy things.


keep it up dudes.

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i know man but i dont drink through the week really, just happen to go off on it at weekends, friday drank a bottle of jd honey, then yesterday a litre of rum and have a bottle of rum now


i realise it sounds wrong but honestly i will be sober, just hate not having my girl with me during the week but only 2 more weeks til she moves

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I feel that streaks happen. Once you drink, it's easy to maintain that for a while. Same flip of the coin, once you are sober, it's easy to keep that sobriety going. My drinking happens in streaks, and my sobriety happens in streaks. I'm upset that I haven't done as well as I'd like to lately. One thing that does help is to plan sober activities in advance, the next day etc. Make a list of things you have to get done. Try and eliminate that downtime, boredom leads to boozing. Luckily I have a place I can go and do things when I need to be sober and productive. Thank God for that outlet.


other news, I haven't bought a pack of cigarettes in over two weeks. I'm going to stick with that. I've been using the electronics, and while I'm sure they're not great for you, they are better than lighting up actual tobacco into your lungs. Big progress for me. I was feeling so terrible from american spirits all day. I don't want to die that way, and I didn't want to keep having one the first thing I do when I wake up. That shit is ridiculous.

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Awesome work!

Cunt Sauce, seems you act a cunt when you're on the sauce, eh?

Decy, that's a lot of fuckin booze brother, and I'm a teatotaller when i'm on a roll myself... maybe take a close look at your patters versus those around you in general public, not your social circle. No dis intended, only tryin to help you see that there may be a problem.

Sleaze, stay up.


I'm still at 2 glasses of wine or 2 6-7% beers a night, and my prescribed meds at my prescribed levels. DISCIPLINE is important in all things.

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less than 2 weeks and I will have your back @Decy. We knew it couldn't last :)


I am extremely aware this was a limited time deal. I have done stints of a few months sober and then a year and a half. We got some art stuff happening IRL and have done some quiet weekends and the payoff is a big motivator to keep it up.


I am done :) last hurrah achieved.

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I feel that streaks happen. Once you drink, it's easy to maintain that for a while. Same flip of the coin, once you are sober, it's easy to keep that sobriety going. My drinking happens in streaks, and my sobriety happens in streaks. I'm upset that I haven't done as well as I'd like to lately. One thing that does help is to plan sober activities in advance, the next day etc. Make a list of things you have to get done. Try and eliminate that downtime, boredom leads to boozing. Luckily I have a place I can go and do things when I need to be sober and productive. Thank God for that outlet.




I've always done this by doing important things during the day.

I've been drinking every night for I'm not even gonna get into how long, but I've always been one to get shit done during the day then wind down with my beers at night.

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I know it's about filling your life with meaningful things, those holes that you used to try to patch up with booze..the real things hold up better than the temporary fix of alcohol. And I know thissssss mannnn...Sometimes it's just hard. I'm pushing to search for the realness though. It's out there somewhere. It's when I'm not finding it that trips me up.

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I don't know that I've been patching holes in my life by getting hammered.

Maybe at one point, but not in the last decade or so.

Maybe it's the Irish in me, but I just do it the same as I eat when I'm hungry and drink water when I'm thirsty and sleep when I'm tired.

Only beer:30 has always usually been at night for me.

I don't think I'm mentally addicted to it like a lot of people.

I might be physically, but I haven't been without for a long enough time to find out though hahaha!

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I know it's about filling your life with meaningful things, those holes that you used to try to patch up with booze..the real things hold up better than the temporary fix of alcohol. And I know thissssss mannnn...Sometimes it's just hard. I'm pushing to search for the realness though. It's out there somewhere. It's when I'm not finding it that trips me up.


Keep up the good work, player.


Went camping this weekend... Crater Lake, OR.

It was pretty fuckin' unreal. Definitely had a few moments of jealousy as everyone was cracking cold beers by the fire after a long day romping around. It passed quickly though as i ate some and drank an Arizona green tea. Just had to remind myself that I'm not like them in my drinking habits.



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This is day 5 sober for me.


Totally worth it to not wake up fucked every morning with only patchy memories of what I got up to.


Decy's doing well too - there have not been any spirits in his week to my knowledge :)


Staying up.


Red - here's to the new future for both of us and kudos on the new job :)


Pro - aw man, if only we were in the same time zone. Y'know what I mean. Still here for you tho.

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DrawingB and Decy....you guys know each other in "real life".



Threw my wife a surprise party yesterday. Bunch of wine and whiskey......not a single fuck was given by me.


Nice to be the sober one and put the boy to bed at the end of the night. I am like a rock for him and I do not plan to change that......taking a drink would definitely change that.



Starting to feel an addiction to Brazilian Jiujitsu. Sore as hell but glad to be doing something healthy.

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