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I agree, a large portion of my family are functioning/non-functioning alcoholics and I definitely have a drinking problem. Bought my first beer at a bar in 6th grade and have drank all but 10 days of the last 7 years (up until recently). I don't plan on ever quiting, but I have made the decision to not drink during the week and it has been a helpful adjustment to my life. Definitely has not been easy, but it has been great to start applying some self control and start to address what was a daily dependence. Hopefully, I can stick with it....who knows.


Drinking with this guy is fun, whereas some of the other people on here....I'm just glad I know how to walk away from situations I perceive as bad/sketchy and not look back.


I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you want to quit it's the easiest thing in the world to do. Until then don't bother....you only live once, and unless you're a piss-pants wifebeater I probably won't judge you.


Edit- My moderate lifestyle has been working out pretty well for me lately. I drink when I want to and only as much as I feel comfortable with, and I'm totally okay with that. Some people can't, and recognize that...or they don't, and I steer clear of them.

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quittings the easiest thing in the world if it comes to you easy.

if it doesnt, then its not. there is no one answer that applies

to everyone. at best, everyone here can speak for themselves,

because we all have our own weaknesses, we all have our own

degrees of self control, our own desires and we all take different

paths in life with different experiences.


this thread should be about people reaching out for help, sharing

their progress, and offering advice to other people; not talking down

or trying to simplify what is a complex, on-going problem and even

a life threatening illness for some.



as for all the smart ass comments, hey, we all need levity, right?

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"Sometimes when I reflect on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. I think, It is better to drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."


-Babe Ruth

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Shit, I've made it this long. suicide is never an option. i want to see how this movie ends. probably with liver damage but meh, i'm a happy drunk. just not happy being a drunk so fuck it. i called my sponsor and if that didn't make me suicidal, a random internet post probably won't either.

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