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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Not doubting you, just wondering how "she" got access to your partner in order to send pics of pregnancy tests. Another route is trying to find the person who is in the pics the 'fake' FB page is using and have her report it to FB.
  2. the fark is a prepper?
  3. yeah, I dont get it, boot fruiters been rolling street for decades. I see they still look same sexer these days as much as they did in the 80s too.
  4. Agree and agree. Can't believe 1. people think shit said about them matters, "got to worry about my rep, maaaan". lol. 2. you would go anywhere near anything like that. Looks like dumb trouble, clearly is dumb trouble.
  5. I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and get in on this trip, unfortunately. I like the online graf crowd simply because I get to see graf and talk shit about it, which is was 12OZ was for me. I get inspired to paint and design when I'm around graf. I haven't had the time to paint for almost a year now and have been ruthlessly been stocking paint. Now with 12OZ turning in to nowheresville I have all this paint and ebbing motivation to use it. This place aint coming back, hence my drunken phoenix thread. So, guess I'll have to go where the crowd goes to get my mojo back. Sucks though, I don't tweet, I say next to nothing on FB and in general prefer keep my social media footprint pretty light.
  6. Hmmmm, I found that interesting more than disgusting. Of course it's ugly and in now way a turn on. However how did it come about, were these wastoids from the street that he paid to do that, did they accept out of desperation? I don't think so, they look wasted but still with it and cognisant of what they were doing there. And even more so, they look to be active and willing participants in it all rather than being victims of their circumstance and exploitation. That to me is what is interesting here, knowing that what you are doing to yourself is an ugly spectacle of human demise. However you care less enough to trivialise your own hideous and pitiful spiral in to the most inglorious death of our time.
  7. yeah, this place got me back in to graff, that and painting in China. Now I'm in a small town where there's no train line and the only painting is under bridges. I'll still paint regardless as I do it for me. However it's been nice posting my shit on here, having a chat/laugh about it with other cats. Fucked if I'm going on instagram though.
  8. lol, that was funny but now I have a fucking headache.
  9. There's less than 50 of us left, 12OZ is facing extinction and the great mythical reboot has become irrelevant. Yet the space remains. Do we cane the dead horse until dust is dust? Do we call it a day? Do we patch in to the nearest lamp post and graf and dance our own way out regardless of the whole digital disco? Do we take it from here of do we just take off? Crunch-o'clock
  10. build it and you shall waste
  11. But the trifecta has already been achieved - Williams, Bacall, Rivers. Walken would initiate a new trifecta, which then I would suggest be satisfied by Snoop Dog and Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters.
  12. 1) robin trilliams 2) lauren bacall 3) joan rivers
  13. Looking forward to warmer days done here CBR is dead during winter and this one has been extra fucking cold.
  14. Some of the better soldiers I served with were gays as fuck. Personally I don't give a shit what people are, gay, trans, female, whatever. A good soldier is a good soldier. The issue with Manning was that he was suffering from his identity issues and had some stand-out issues that should have been picked up during his application for clearance. It doesn't matter if he was conflicted over sexuality, the death of his pet dog or the performance of his fav sporting team - conflicted and suffering is an issue and should have been a red flag to those vetting him. It's not to say this was the reason for his behaviour regarding secret information, just that it should have been a red flag to take a closer look at the guy. I'm also not sure that people as young as Manning should be able to command such important information.
  15. Yes and no - they are around the same average quality, many say that Crunch is the old Ironlak formula and I don't doubt it as it's China and factories take intellectual property like paint and valves and sell them with different brand names all the time. I'd also put Crunch above the other three in terms of quality - although it's a low/med pressure whilst the others are mid/high pressure. The other three are much of a muchness, really. Where they are not similar in quality is that the batches can vary pretty wildly in regards to pigment ratios, pressure, actual tones, etc. So that makes them similar to each other in a general sense but often quite dissimilar and and of themselves, if that makes sense. AUD has been hovering around USD$0.92-0.95 for a while, Beltons go for around AUD$12 over here. Fuck that.
  16. Definitely real. He's been around for ages. Not 100% on this as M/E isn't really my field but I'm pretty sure Al Baghdadi took over AQI when Zarqawi was smoked. Since then IS split off from AQ Prime and gone on their own merry way.
  17. I can't think of a single country that would benefit from Islamic State's survival. I'd argue that their possession of modern military tech and access to oil/capital makes them a greater potential threat than AQ ever was.
  18. Same. I'm naturally curious but prohibitively cautious. Don't even want to touch Tor. People think Tor is infallible, I'd advise against believing that.
  19. I kept mine in its original packaging. I reckon if I hold on to it unopened and just forget about it I'll be able to sell it to some one for a nice profit down the track. Nerds love that kind of retro-techno shit.
  20. Australia. The ones with tops are the $3:00 povo cans from the auto shop, called Aussie Export. When they are on sale you get 4 for $10 so I just stock up for doing fill and backgrounds. They're pretty thin and have a male valve, they suck in general but have their uses. Tanq, Crunch, United and I think Aeroskills are also Australian brands. Heaps of people jumped on the China bandwagon and started up their own lines of cheap paint made in Guangdong. Tanq is still around but I think United and Crunch may have gone under just recently and Aeroskills died ages ago. Monster is from the UK, I think, Zenith if from Singapore but made in China - decent paint though. The rest are Ironlak, Montana, Yard Master and now NBQ. Still never tried Beltons yet, they're out of my price range given my married and saving for a house status.
  21. Rivers had extreme political views? That sucks, I found her funny and I hate hearing bad shit about people you generally appreciate. On the upside, I don't really care enough to look but I am just happy to hear that the chick from Parks and Recreation is a bit of a freak.
  22. Little bit of this, little bit of that.
  23. $5 NBQ at Kings. Never used them before so not sure if that's actually a good deal or not. I grabbed a couple to see what they're like, when I get a chance to get out.
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