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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. I would suggest the opposite. Defence of the Russian border/heartland is more important than a civilian airline. This complicates things for Moscow and will cause them to tighten their operations.
  2. MH17 shot down by anti-Kiev rebels prob using a BUK provided by Russia, all but confirmed (US confirm it was a SAM, pics showing BUK TEL in vicinity of attack, intercepts of rebel/Russian coms confirming it was their shot and the realisation it was a civ aircraft - approx 295 dead - Putin trying to deflect blame to Kiev
  3. Anyone? I'm a tight arse as I'm saving for a house and don't want to waste what I have by trying things and destroying what small stocks I have. Main things I'd like to know are things I definitely should not do and cheap ways I can tint base acrylics. Cheers.
  4. Hey cool cats, been setting myself up with paint for when I have time in my life again. Been collecting heaps of off-tints for backgrounding/buff but haven't got any decent colours (most of them are just your typical beige, peach, cream or grey - light and dark - kind of colours boring people paint their walls with. It's all acrylic and a mix of interior and exterior paints - all different sheens. I know sweet fuck all about paint in terms of technical issues but want to be able to mix up the colours that I want for backgrounds. What do I need to know here, is it fine to mix interiors and exteriors, will mixing different levels of gloss/sheens cause any probs, what kind of paints can I get a hold of (thinking of reds, blues, greens, yellows, blacks, whites) to tint the bases I already have? I can pick up a little bit of tints from the local hardwares here and there but they are probably starting to get tired of me bugging them so I'm keen to just source a bunch of base colours of my own to play around with. Any tips, pointers, suggestions and experiences appreciated. I'm married and saving for a house, the cheaper the option the better! Aaand tits.
  5. Don't care for too much else, really. great post.
  6. I can't get past a week, wife won't let me either and justifiably so as well.
  7. Yeah, don't think it's made for dialogue and deep thoughts.
  8. That's nothing new though, pics, music, fashion, etc. is always recycled. If it appealed to one generation then it will likely appeal to the next with some minor updates. Good business, basically.
  9. Getting back on that horse. Hate posting under Mek....
  10. Eastman and Laird and a few spots by Mark Bode were the only TMNT installments worth looking at and they were all in print only. I can't recall ever seeing anything that Bay has done that wasn't aimed at 15 year old boys.
  11. Firstly, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that FLICKR CAN GO FUCK ITSELF. Not only have they entirelly screwed the useability of the site by trying to play catch up with Tumblr and Instagram but now they are forcing me to convert over to their system by allowing it to see my gmail/google and making me also create a Yahoo username/PW, etc. You gotta be fucking kidding me!? Are they trying to drive people away? I mean why make extra work for people to simply do no more than they did before - extra work, extra usernames, extra risk for ZERO extra return. Fuck you flickr, I'll be cancelling my account and removing all my material from your website, you fucking suck. So, now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way... I've been off the horse for some while given work/study commitments and have been doodling about and hitting simples to get my eye back in. Here's a dump of that stuff hopefully as a prelude to bigger and better things in the near future. Yay!
  12. looks like Charles Manson up there with the long hair and beard smoking the cigarette *Edit, shit, that was pages back, soz.
  13. Never don't give up, you gotta be kidding.
  14. I certainly do not. Wife is nuts.
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