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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Fuckin hell, that is very clearly agladiator pit purposely built for children. I love it.
  2. This thread should be used for lessons on US modern history and sociology studies. Awesome shit.
  3. Always found US pizzas to be overly light on the toppings. Been making lots of home jobs lately, simple design - purchased base (good quality, fresh from a deli), tomato paste with some crushed garlic through it - salami/peperoni - sliced gooms - chopped capsicum - thinly sliced onion - little bit of sliced ham - small pineapple chunks - black olives - mozzarella. Nothin gourmet or flamboyant, just fuckin delish. Wife ruins her half with roasted sweet potato and anchovies.
  4. I have GOGP's addy and am tempted to pass it on as he clearly looks forward to his book. Just a bit apprehensive to do so - will wait a little longer to decide.
  5. Mate, don't mean to be a prick or nothing but when you're posting stuff like this I reckon it's time to step back and readjust. I know you like to pump material out but personally I think doing less work with higher quality is more valuable than doing more work of this quality. I don't mind saying it as I know you have done much better than this but seriously, if a new bloke came in here posting stuff at this level he'd be directed to the toy thread. Again, not trying to be antagonistic or arrogant, just putting it to you, s'all.
  6. Fucking love that ^^^ As for the WC, I hadn't read that link previously and it does add context to it all. It still looks like shit but understandably so. Stopping a train like that will attract serious heat, I reckon.
  7. Can you not sleep, or something?
  8. Shit yeah homie, hmu at legit@legit.com You can be my side kick.
  9. I know I'll cop it for this, but: huge props for copping a whole car, it's more than I've achieved in over 20 years. However, that shit is just ugly, everything from the letters to the colour choice is ugly. If heads think that shit is respectable then I guess I'm just out of touch because to me that shit is the epitome of toy. Again, big respect for effort though.
  10. Hot diggity dang. I get my life back as of the 10th, so much in the scone that's waiting to go on paper and walls. Been stocking up on paint too, looking forward to a big 2014 winter season! Dan, Umire, Mek beating shit up in here!
  11. Pizza base, pasta, pancakes, breakfast cerial, etc. etc. I can think of heaps of stuff that requires more than one ingredient.
  12. My teeth all fucking ache when I bash myself with sprints, interval or beep test type exercises.
  13. in front of mother stood butt neakyd pissing in the bath tub telling her "its cool, ma, its cool, just taking a leak".
  14. Hua Guofang


    Hahahaha, that's awesome. Been back on my SS bikes smashing the single track lately. This luxury of gears, suspension, dropper posts and lightness has been spoiling me. So it's a month of single speed stomp sessions to keep me real. Picked up a couple of 5000lm SolarStorm lights off Ebay as well. It's getting dark here at 17:30 these days and I don't always get the time to ride before then. Kind of looking forward to doing some lone night rides, should be something new and challenging.
  15. I love this, makes me feel like eating birtday cake with mock cream, bright sugary icing and lollies all over it. You gotta exploit this style, man. Get it up on a wall as well.
  16. I'll send a loose leaf double pager to anyone who loses their book in this deal.
  17. You been busy, Decy! The first, fifth, chrome Pekoe and three eye charo are sick.
  18. Ever thought of running something like a monthly battle with small prizes in Paper Chase like they do over on B. Science? Just win some markers or whatever, nothing big but I reckon it would spark a bit of life back in there. We've run our own battles for years on letters, throws, hands, etc., so people are in to it.
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