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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Hahaha, you're deadset in fucking love with me, aren't ya mate?! What's the matter mate, I hurt your feelings at some point, somewhere down the line?
  2. Thank god this page got back on tack ASAP. That stuff up the top is a fucking disaster.
  3. Good for them, glad to see someone taking the initiative against those graffiti gangs. Some children in Africa don't even have cities to live in and these tagger gangs seem to want to destroy the ones we have. they should learn some self respect.
  4. Wow, that was hilarious - "coz I'm shifty, I know wot I'm doin..." I went to one Def Jam, I think it was the first one. It was in the Bondi Pavilion, the dude on roller skates from the MJ video was there and some dude got KO'd by a big islander chick, probably a BHS bitch.
  5. I had a long detailed response and suggestions about the website but the server overloaded message fucking destroyed it. The internet can go fuck itself now. No, I don't IG, the pics are too small to properly appreciate the visuals. I came here 7 years ago because of graf and it's the only reason I stay. Never understood why people would choose a platform with low-res pics to look at pics.
  6. I write on stuff, it's called paper. You taggers should have more respect for the law.
  7. Good to hear you're doing well, this place is way boring now given yourself and other regs like Shai, Casek, Bojangles etc. left. Although I do also think that it's not hard to spend time on here and have a life at the same time. Bit sad to think that anyone's life has ever centered around an internet forum, it's just a place to hang out when you're done with the day.
  8. Alright then, I'll make the call. Make a character out of I - can't be just a straight up charo, part letter part charo.
  9. Dead set show stopper, mate. Thanks. That Kade ratler, the RCF from Redfern and the FAB4 kit from Edgecliff. There's a whole bunch of stuff clearly from my era that I don't even recognise. Did Prins do that Banish legal at Newtwon, always thought it looked like his work but never got the chance to ask him.
  10. Yes he did. That old Scram back on the last page, wow.
  11. Hua Guofang


    Popped on the inside of the hub, not really sure, mate. Maybe check the tension on the spokes and make sure they're not imbalanced. You'd expect a bit of a buckle in your rim if they were though, I guess. Sorry I can't be more help.
  12. People are still giving this guy attention?
  13. 1 - no, because they are ubiquitous and their creation was for communication in particular settings, not generally as art, the creativity involved is generally not for aesthetics and if it is aesthetics it is for a totally different context than graff. 2 - yes it is because seeing something general and adapting it for a specific creative purpose is a novel idea that some one else had. Taking almost any idea and adapting it to graff is fine as that's an original innovative use of a concept. But to then copy that adaptation is just copying without innovation.
  14. Hua Guofang


    I feel like I'm going fast..., and more manly just looking at it.
  15. Hua Guofang


    Little bit girlie for my tastes but sure looks fast.
  16. Hua Guofang


    Give us an idea of what kind of riding you're going to be doing, it makes a good bit of difference. Also, when it comes to SS, generally the rule is that the less gear (shifters, derailleurs, cassettes, etc.) means less expense. But, if you're in a pretty hilly region it may not be the way to get things started. Wow, no, not without pre-existing damage from dropped chains, etc. You haven't dropped the chain down in between the cassette/cog and spokes, have you? This can chew and put small nicks in the spokes and when you corner hard the increased strain can make them pop. Have a look on your spokes and see if you can find any pre-existing damage that may cause failure. Where exactly are they breaking, at the rim, the hub or in the middle? Can you send pics?
  17. IF it's not Seen posting it then that's an even better argument for the mods to fuck it off out of here. Annoys the shit out of me, to be honest, even when I thought it was Seen himself.
  18. Haha, love the Karl, Ricky and Steve characters. that is fucking gold!
  19. Hua Guofang


    Yeah, agree with 2nd hand as well. My 1FG is third hand and it is sensational. Gary Fishers and such level bikes are fine too. My first serious bike was a GF Tassajara, did me fine until some junky flogged it.
  20. Hua Guofang


    Don't know about the US but in Australia you'd be lucky to get a Kmart bike for that price. $1k is what I'd set for a starting price. Decent forks, rims, brakes and derailleur are a must. Skimp on these and your experience will suck.
  21. Hahaha, wouldn't that be hilarious if they found it in orbit.
  22. One would hope the Malaysians learn some lessons out of this. Doubtful though.
  23. Hua Guofang


    They canned it about 10 hours back. The rain has been torrential, the camping area and parking is basically under an inch of water and the rain still hasn't stopped. They'll probably reschedule. Might get in to a few more of these team events, great way to spend a weekend.
  24. I'm still of this position. Difficult to think the plane could have ended up where they think it is and the way they think it got there by chance. Pilot hijacked the plane and everyone is now dead.
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